Sunday, August 25, 2013

Our last night

We woke up before 8, but went back to bed because it was too early. I got up before 9 to read e-mail, shower, have breakfast. Chris needed one last trip to the bathroom and I took the opportunity to put some cashews and sunflower seeds in a jar of water to soak. Then we went to church. Our new intern gave the sermon. After the service, I talked to Cecelia and Lars. We scheduled a 'meeting' for Tuesday night to replace the old fabric with the new fabric to match our kneelers. He is bringing tools to get the bottom off and the staples out, but I am not certain who is expected to do the new stapling. I talked to Mary and she wants me to play a second piece for Rally Day. I also returned Spirited Away to Shannon. I spoke to Cyndi about the paraments, showing her some sketches. Then Chris and I went to the grocery store. The only thing on the list was raisins, but we managed to pick up at least half a cart of food. At home, Chris put the groceries away while I changed clothes. We ate lunch, and I sunbathed. We read e-mail and I printed out some quilt instructions for next week. Chris did one more load of laundry and packed his suitcase. I gave him my new camera to take along. He also put gas in my car. I cleaned up my sewing table a little more. I sewed some extra shelving rubber to my cart to keep my sewing machine from slipping off. I packed a sewing project for tomorrow. I thought about mowing. At 5 I rinsed and blended the soaked nuts with water and a probiotic. I put it in the old jar so the leftovers from last week can help the fermentation. For supper Chris cooked some beef. It was really good. I wanted seconds, but opted for a big salad instead. I worked on Barbara's quilt until Chris was ready to watch TV. We saw 3 episodes of Chuck. One last perusal of e-mail, and we are off to bed.
*  I did not take any pics today, so here is one from last Monday of the quilter's bulletin board.  *

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