Thursday, August 8, 2013

I must be a queen

I got up at 7:30. I read e-mail, saw the sun and thought about mowing the lawn later. I tapped for upcoming anxiety. I showered and ate breakfast. I headed out early to the dentist. I worked on a number puzzle until they were ready for me. I had a cracked filling which needed replacing. I did some future pacing to set the intention for being relaxed and rested at the end of the visit. I brought my ipod with meditations and hypnosis on it. After removing the cracked filling, the dentist showed me my tooth. I couldn't believe how little was left. She showed me the crack across the nerve bed and the base. She told me that she could put in a regular filling which would hold for awhile, but would probably end in a root canal, or she could put a crown on it. Since I never want a root canal, I went for the crown. Sadly that meant removing more of my already diminutive tooth. I had to sign a form saying I would pay for it, and then she took an impression and put on a temporary crown. I paid at the front and they made an appointment 3 weeks away for the permanent crown (and a cleaning since I missed my cleaning appointment today). Due to the ipod, I felt calm most of the time and not so bad during the injections and drilling. When I got home, it was sunny, so I put on my suit and lay in the grass for 20 minutes. Then I dressed again, and went to tai chi. Because of the anesthetic, I could not smile properly and because it was wearing off, it kinda hurt, too. But I had something to smile about. It was the last class, and the instructor asked me to 'test'. So I did, and made two mistakes. The rest of the class clapped, and I was happy to have done that well. Since I caught my mistakes the leader decided to give me a patch. As I left the building, I could see how stormy the sky looked. There would be no mowing today, nor taking Alec outside. I was hoping for an easy afternoon. When I picked him up, it was raining hard. We had to run through the rain to the house. He got a little wet and wanted to change his clothes. He picked out ones that were too big. I tried to read him a story, but it hurt, and he played with his toys. Then we went to the backroom to build a tent out of a blanket. He put all the other couch blankets in there and every stuffed toy. I don't know how he fit. Then he wanted to watch “The Lorax”. I figured out how to run the DVD and we did, until his mother came home. We talked for a bit and I went home. Chris was eating supper. I juiced up some veggies and let some cheese dissolve in my mouth while reading e-mail. Then we watched episodes of Chuck, season 4 and went to bed.

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