Friday, August 30, 2013

It's official!

I awoke at 7:45. I read e-mail, played an audio interview, practiced my trombone and exercised. Chris sent me two pics from Michele's graduation. It is now official.  I cried.  I posted one on Facebook. In my sewing room I noticed that what I thought was dust, was spreading like frost crystals. It must be mildew. I washed the dresser and desk with vinegar as best I could. I ate breakfast and laid in the sun, visions of mildew taking over my brain. I ran quantum energy codes for inhaled toxins. I called our rental agents and left a message asking for help to carry the items to the garage. Since I did not know when or if they'd call, I took the drawers to garage and washed them with vinegar. I vacuumed the floor so as not to stir up dust. I moved all the stuff on desk and the dresser. I laid on the couch to rest my back. Then I ate lunch. I recharged the laptop. After another short audio, I checked the mail, but there was none. I took a shower, then I resumed my task by taking out the drawers from desk. I washed them with vinegar. It started to rain really hard. Bob arrived with his trailer and another man in a car. They moved the furniture to the garage and set it on end so I could wash the bottoms. He promised to come back with a spray can of clear Kilz. I asked about getting a sprayer for the kitchen sink and he thought he had one lying around somewhere. It was suppertime. After eating supper, I listened to another audio and prepared supplements for the next week.  I fired up the tablet to download a pdf for tomorrow.  I ran into several roadblocks, but eventually got it on the tablet in a place that I could find again. I noticed Chris on Skype and called him. I talked to Chris and Michele for almost 90 minutes. Not that we had much to say, but it was nice to see them together. Then I wrote to my blog and planned to go to bed (with the next CD playing).

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