Sunday, August 18, 2013

The cat returns

I woke up just before 9. Not too bad for not having an alarm, or Chris to wake me up. I read e-mail and ate breakfast while watching a video on the 4th state of water. It was so good I might have been late to church except that it got interrupted and I had to reload it, so I just quit and took my shower and dressed. I grabbed the last kneeler and headed to church. It was raining but I did not have an umbrella. So I left the kneeler in the car. During the service, one couple, two individuals and a family joined the church. One of them sits in our pew. After the service, I talked to Cecelia and Lars about the kneelers. Now they want to recover the short pews at the front of the church with the fabric that is left. I also talked to Jennifer, and to Mary. Mary found a copy of “When the Saints go Marching In” that she wants me to play for Rally Day. When I got home, it was lunch time. I finished the video and read all the comments that it got. Some of them referred to related subjects and I looked them up. Then I ate a peach and went outside. When the peach was finished, I got out the clippers and trimmed the grass growing inside the fence. I decided to do the garden, too. Then I raked up the grass clippings and threw them on the pile. I trimmed the grass in front of the carport. Then I attempted the grass lining the driveway. But all of a sudden I noticed a prickling in my right hand. It got worse, painfully so. Then I noticed an odd, short, spiky caterpillar. It must have stung me multiple times. I ran into the house. I did not think to take a pic of it. I called Chris and he said he was about an hour north of Huntsville. He recommended that I not go into anaphylactic shock. Thanks. I sat at my computer trying to read and not worry. Finally I got a piece of packing tape and dabbed it over my hand to pick up any tiny spines that might be present. The prickling continued. I tried sketching designs for paraments on a piece of paper. Presently Chris arrived after dropping off his traveling companion. I told him my stories and he told me his. I was not feeling energetic, so I laid down. I sketched paraments in my mind. After a while, he laid down with me. Then, since we are married...he put fish in the oven for supper. When it was ready, we ate some and put the rest away. He read e-mail and sent Michele job announcements. I brushed my teeth and wrote a rough draft of my blog post.  I tried to look at christian symbols on the internet, but all I got were links to more links.  No actual images or clipart.  We watched 2 episodes of Chuck before going to bed.
*  This quilt was at show-n-tell on Thursday night.  *

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