Thursday, January 23, 2014

A sad day

I got up at 8:30. I drank some water, and did my daily swishing. I read e-mail with the HappyLight. I tried to replace the light fixture covers with the ones I bought this weekend, but they did not fit. I listened to some disco while exercising. Yes, I like disco. This morning's juice was kale, carrot, and cucumber. Then I made breakfast. I was reading e-mail, and Bertha wrote that Barbara died this morning. I could not help crying. It was hard to believe she was gone. She was fine, then got pneumonia and the flu and now... I had to tap and meditate. Then I went outside to get light. It was after solar noon. I swept leaves and such. My fingers got so cold that I had to come in before the job was done. I made a list of things to get done today. I emptied the dishwasher, made nut cheese, ate some salmon, juiced 10 lemons, and made hummus. All but the eating were on the list. I cleaned up in the kitchen and took a shower. I looked up Boris Pasternak (author of novel Dr. Zhivago). There were lots of parallels to his life. Chris came home. He put sweet potatoes in oven. I separated the recyclables into bags and put them in the recycle box outside, hoping I would remember to take it out to the street tomorrow. Chris pulled a sweet potato out of the oven for me at 6:30. It wasn't quite done in the middle, but with melted butter and cinnamon, I didn't care. After eating it, I grabbed my choir folder and tablet and headed for the church. I used the new music app and my old headphones to play the notes I needed to stay in tune. With bifocals on, it was hard to see the tablet and my music and the director. But it worked. The app and the piano were not precisely in tune, but it was close enough. The director told us how her son was sick at Auburn University and she couldn't be there to take care of him. She thought he had the flu. I did not tell her that I knew someone who just died of it. When I got home, Chris was ready to watch TV. He had a blue-ray disc and he used my laptop to play it. Or that was the plan. I watched him futze around with it down by the TV. Then he took it upstairs while I stayed downstairs trying to think of pleasant things and be in my happy place. Then he came back with my laptop. It just would not play the disc. But fortunately there was a regular DVD in the box, so we watched that in our regular player. We huddled under quilts to watch Red 2. Another cold snap was in progress. After huddling and him coming after me, I decided to just turn in and leaving posting until tomorrow.
*  this is Maryann's qiuilt - a one block wonder  *

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