Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Finishing and Cleaning

I got up at 8, or thereabout. I read e-mail with the HappyLight, and exercised to some 70's tunes on Youtube. I made two cups of veggie juice from broccoli, carrots, kale and celery. Then came breakfast. When I read that Barbara's family was thinking of having her ventilator removed because her numbers are slipping, I prayed, and then cried. She's still alive, but the end seems so much more likely now. 
I decided to meditate. I plugged the speaker neck pillow into my tablet. First I meditated to an mp3 on the tablet, but it was designed for headphones. So then I used something directly from Youtube. Useful site. I had intended to go outside at solar noon after reading that most people are light deprived. But I missed it. And the temperature was low and dropping. The postman rang the doorbell to deliver a package – supplements. I took down the dusty curtain scarves in the mbr. Then I made drapery panels to cover the windows, both to block light and to block sound. I went to the seafood market for some fresh wild Alaskan salmon. I ate some before putting the rest in the fridge. I put the scarves in the washer. I finished the wonky block Linus quilt and took a pic of it. I cleaned out the dust bowl of the vacuum cleaner. I did it outside, but still got dirt on me. Then I swept up the dust behind the bed and end tables. Normally I wouldn't bother, but since the old heating unit was apparently blowing dirt through the system and now we have a new unit, I thought maybe dusting would actually accomplish something.  I put the burgundy scarves over the new blue panels.  The red ones look like they are trying to eat the blue ones. I decided to worry about that later. 
 Chris came home while I was cleaning. He heated up the fish soup for us. I put some fermented cod liver oil in mine. I cleared more e-mail. I searched for a suitable craft project for this Sunday. Just this one Sunday. At 7 we went downstairs to watch the second half of Dr. Zhivago. It was extremely cold outside, which matched the movie perfectly. I am curious now about the book it is based on. I snuggled close to Chris and we watched two episodes of Forever Knight before going to bed. Well, he did anyway. I need to tap so I can relax and go to sleep.

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