Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Warm AND quiet with the new unit

I got up around 8 when I realized that sleeping in wasn't helping. I read e-mail, exercised, and took a shower. Then I trimmed my hair now that it has grown out a bit. I juiced kale, broccoli, celery and green beans. Then I made breakfast. It wasn't even 11 yet. I found a tape measure and a wrench in the yard by the air conditioner. I arranged the sheet metal nearby to hold the plastic down in the most efficient manner. I folded 2 baskets of laundry. I cleaned up around the house. There was no snow, or even any hint of it as was predicted.  I used the sunny day to sweep leaves out of the carport. I arranged the gold tablecloths on the table, and then went down to choose fabric for the last project. I came up to meet Denise when she arrived. We chatted and did some EFT together. It helped her headache if nothing else. After she left, Bob arrived. He arranged to meet the HVAC man here for payment and paperwork. I showed him the fallen ceiling in the garage. After their exchange, I asked him about the faucet in the kitchen and there was no good answer. I worked in the sewing room, choosing fabric, cutting and getting ready to sew when I heard Chris come home. He heated up the beef and barley soup for supper. The doorbell rang and there were two packages: a filter, and more supplements. We watched Sherlock, then came upstairs. It was only just after 8 so we went back down to watch 2 Star Trek episodes: Errand of Mercy and Catspaw. Chris looked up one of the actresses for me, and then went to bed. I stayed up to clear some e-mail and do some tapping.
*  This is Mirna's orange tabby quilt  taken Monday  *

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