Friday, January 31, 2014

Not looking forward to tomorrow

I got up a little before 8:30. The sun was shining in the guest room so I sat in the sun and read a book. Then I read some e-mail, and hung the second cushion cover out on the porch. I put the wet cushion in a laundry basket and slid it out to the porch. I read more e-mail, and put on the first audio. I found a pot in the closet to simmer the bones. When that was cooking, I refilled two gallon tubs of coconut oil from the 5 gallon container. I called Chris before and after, just in case my back went out like it did in May during the same activity. Chi gung was easy to do while listening. I juiced celery, carrots and two red peppers. Then I made and ate about half of my breakfast. Later I raked leaves and pulled seedlings under the tree. The air was warmish, so I went barefoot, but the ground was still cold. I thought the piles of leaves thrown there would discourage seedling growth, but apparently not. I listened to another audio – then took a break to vacuum the floor. During another audio, I worked on the fish quilt. I was going to work on shortening the sleeves on one of Chris' shirts, but it was already done. I wasn't happy with the result but it looked better than the patch on his other shirt. I told him about it when he came home, but he disagreed. I tried to explain how difficult it would be to move the cuff and placket up on the sleeve. But he got angry when he did not understand. My limbic system went into fight or flight. He calmed down and we talked and I had to go tap for awhile. Then I went down to make a tuck all around the cuff as he envisioned it. He was satisfied with the result so I did the other cuff, too. I tacked down the tuck along the placket and it did look ok. That being taken care of, I turned off the burner under the bone broth. I poured myself a cup and added pulp from the juicer. I ate about half of the soup in the cup.  Chris brought in the wet cushion (it just won't dry) and I brought in the cushion cover, quite dry.  After eating a square of dark chocolate, I brushed my teeth and we went down to watch an episode of Inspector Lewis. Chris told me he was going to take his car in for service, and I told him I had to funeral to attend. Then I cried. I still cannot believe she is gone. It is like a bad dream that I can't wake up from.
*  This is from Carolyn's house last Friday  *

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