Friday, January 3, 2014

So clean you can see my reflection

It was after 8 when I got up. I read some e-mail and one of them contained a meditation mp3. So I went back to bed to meditate. Later I took out the recyclables that were sorted yesterday. I watched a long David Wolfe video on super herbs. I paused it so I could juice what was left of the veggies. I cleaned up the sink and yesterday's bowls. I made breakfast, and finished the David Wolfe video. I felt inspired to clean a shelf of the refrigerator, and then a drawer, and another shelf. The bug man came to spread roach poison. He left rodent bait in the cabinet under the stove top. I finished the inside of the fridge and the front. Why the sides are textured not to show fingerprints, but the front is not, is beyond me.  I found the little red vacuum to sweep up dust, but it would not turn on.  Well, I certainly got my money out of it after all these years. So I had to use the blue one, and it was in the sewing room.  Then, to take advantage of the last of the sunlight, I raked leaves in the side yard. Chris came home and got the mail. He brought my phone out when Mirna called. I came in later, and looked up organic walnut prices with Bing. They were all higher than what she paid. I called Alison to see when I could visit to make a purchase. I had a bite to eat, and made a batch of hummus. I read part of a quilting magazine that came in the mail, waiting for Chris to finish his game. I read part of the TQS newsletter e-mail. I worked on the Linus quilt, then watched “Star Trek: Into Darkness” with Chris. He went to bed, and I see no reason to stay up any later.

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