Monday, January 27, 2014

Getting a late start on quilting

Amazingly I woke up before 8. It was 7:45 when I found a clock to read. I boiled water for nuts and to sterilize my toothbrush. I read e-mail with my HappyLight. I swished with coconut oil and took a probiotic. I listened to interviews waiting for the rental agent to call at 9. She called after 10 while I was doing my chi gung. She said the foundation specialists recommended their special sump pump and trenching in basement. There were a few other things the renters need to fix. I found myself shivering so I made some hot tea and put on a wrap. Then I juiced kale, broccoli sprouts and carrots. I ate half of my breakfast. It was after 12 and I was in a mental fog. Eating some kimchi helped. I had trouble deciding what to take. I put Barbara's quilt in the car, and went back for hand needles. I decided to take all the sewing stuff. I opened the garage door but one of the rollers got off track because the metal corner it was bolted to was ripping off of the door. I did not want to leave with the garage door open. I thought I might swing by the church and come right back. But then I saw an old broom. I used the handle to shove the roller back on track long enough to shut the door. But my sewing machine et al was still inside. So I left it there and just took the quilt. I was warmly greeted when I got there. Rebecca was ready to try some handquilting. So I showed her how, and then Glenda wanted to see how it was done. They decided to go shopping for thimbles, so four of us went to Patches and Stitches. Rebecca tried on lots of thimbles. She got some other stuff too, I was the only one who did not buy anything. When we got back, the group seemed a lot smaller. We chatted as Rebecca practiced her handsewing. She took it home with her to work on for the next week. By then it was almost 5, so I went home, too. Chris was already home and fixing his supper. I finished my breakfast and had some chicken. I told him about the garage door and he put in a work order for fixing it. I put a bowl of fish soup in the toaster oven to heat while I emptied and refilled the dishwasher. At 7 I brushed my teeth and we went downstairs to watch The IT Crowd Manual, followed by episodes of Star Trek.
*  I did not take any pics today so here is one of the beautiful quilts at Carolyn's house  *

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