Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Tapping with Denise

I woke up at 7:20. I deleted the first round of e-mail and emptied the dishwasher. I put iodine on my forehead. I tapped for not wanting to drive to the repair shop. Then I called the mechanic, who said come right over. So I got dressed and drove over. While I was waiting for them to recheck the engine, I was working a Sudoku puzzle when the owner came and showed me how he plays it on his phone. I tried not to show off. The mechanic came back to tell me the o2 sensor needed replacing for $300. I thought it was fixed last week, but they said they didn't believe the code so they just turned it off. Now they believe it. But they advised me not to bother fixing it if I am only keeping the car for 4 months. They offered to help me sell the car, or take it to CarMax. The owner told me how to change the car clock. I came home and called Al to tell him about the car. I boiled water, and exercised, and drybrushed. I juiced, and made breakfast listening to audios. I collected and took out the garbage. I cleared some of the kitchen table, testing the pens and throwing away those that did not work. I moved some heavy books from a top shelf to a bottom shelf. Denise came over to tap. I listened to her for a long time and then we tapped. After she left, I skyped Kurt (who had skyped me earlier). We talked until after 7. Then I fixed a salad for supper, and changed my shirt. I went to choir practice with my tablet. We practiced music for each Sunday until Good Friday. When I got home, it was almost 9. I ate some home canned tomatoes., and read e-mail, and listened to audios. I did some tapping and went to bed.
*  This is from Thursday night, made for someone going through cancer treatments  *

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