Saturday, March 8, 2014

The beginning of something wonderful

I slept well last night and got up at 7:20. I applied the oil and put some herbs on my forehead spot. I deleted the first round of e-mail. I watched a video called Farmed and Dangerous. During the commercials I exercised and drybrushed. I cooked the quinoa soaking since yesterday. I juiced the leftover celery, carrots and sweet peppers, saving the spinach for later. Breakfast followed that. Then I started another round of tapping videos. Frequently I paused a video to add some of my own statements. I found myself tapping on a traumatic event in 5th grade. I felt so much better afterward. I made up a batch of supplements for the next week. I noticed that the sun was shining and it was warm outside. I opened the windows and could hear the man next door using his chipper/shredder. When he was done, I took my new heirloom seeds outside to plant. There were a few used soil discs in the seed starter from last year. I dug around in the old pepper bed and unearthed a few more. I found the tomato seed starter tray from last year and put some discs in it, with tomato seeds. I used an egg tray to plant some peppers. I placed the trays in a south-facing window. I ate the last piece of fish and buried the skin in the flower bed, and placed a cage on top to keep it from being dug up. Since the old pepper bed was now dug up, I leveled it out and planted peas and spinach. I planted some peas in the regular garden too. I put all the tools away and came in for supper. I read e-mail, answering one from my brother. I took a pic to go with this blog post. I continued the tapping videos. I checked my phone alarm to make sure it would ring tomorrow. But will it ring at the right time? Last year it did not update the time until midmorning.  I decided to go to bed early.

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