Monday, March 17, 2014

They're here!

I got up around 8:15. I practiced some music at the piano, then checked on my seedlings and watered them with an eyedropper. After my daily anointing, I strained and drank some dandelion tea. The looseleaf kind is not as good as the one in tea bags. I read some e-mail, and listened to a meditation audio. I drybrushed, and exercised, then juiced most of a bag of kale to get it out of the way. It made quite a mess and there was lots of clean-up for that. I found a few more things to inlaw-proof my house. As I went through my routine, I was wondering how I'm going to do this when they are here. Maybe I can release some of it temporarily. I made breakfast, and ate breakfast. I played an audio, and a short video. I packed a lunch, then took my sewing stuff to church. I worked on 4-patch blocks, when not talking to the other quilters. Rebecca is jealous because she wanted to be stationed in Kwaduleine but could not get sent there. At 3:30 I packed up and drove home. My in-laws had not arrived yet, but my order from Swansons had. The mailbox was standing open but there was no mail in it. I brought in my stuff, ate my lunch and heard a car drive up. It was Chris coming home early. However it was not long before Al and Cecily showed up. We had a good time visiting, and discussing Kwadjulein and how this all came about. Chris roasted beef in the oven, and in separate pans, brussel sprouts and potato wedges. We ate supper in the dining room and kept on talking. We made a few decisions about tomorrow and then they all got ready for bed. I took two minutes to play through my trombone music for Palm Sunday, then sat at my laptop to go through the ever abundant e-mail of the day. I listened to an audio while typing up my blog.
*  It may not be green, but this is an Irish chain quilt.  I did not catch the name of the woman who made it.   *

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