Saturday, March 22, 2014

Wrapping up last minute details

Before I went to bed last night I tapped on separation issues. Then I went to bed, and Chris came home some time after. He got up first and went out to the kitchen to make coffee and breakfast. I took a shower, then exercised, juiced and made breakfast. We stripped the bed and he started the laundry. Then we went to the library on post and returned the movies. I also got a library card. Then we went by the post office to check the mail. Then we went to Chris' office at the AMC building. But it was under guard for an exercise and we could not get in. Chris drove his car across the street, and then gave me driving lessons. I did ok, but it was a small empty lot. When the guards left the entrances to the AMC building, we went over there. Chris went into his office and I practiced starting, stopping and backing up. Then I had to go in to use the bathroom. We came out together and the lessons continued. I don't know if I will ever get the hang of it. As long as no one else is on the road, I'm ok. On the way back we stopped at Staples to get printer cartridges. When we got home, Chris installed the BW, and showed me how to do the color one when I need it. He continued with the laundry and packed.  I patched two belt loops on his jeans, and read e-mail.  We folded the laundry together. I cried a lot. I told him I could not drive him to the airport (at 4am) because I would be crying too hard to see. Goodbye's are hard anyway, and saying goodbye to him is almost impossible. So he called a taxi company and made arrangements. We sat outside for a bit, eating dates, while he explained to me what a great opportunity this is for him. Then he cut up leeks and brussels sprouts and put them in the oven. We went downstairs to watch Kelly's Heroes, coming up once or twice to check on the oven. We even ate most of the brussels sprouts. When the movie was over, we made the bed (with extra sheets), he handled a few details and went to bed.  I will be there in a minute. 
*  These are our flowering trees.  I hope Chris will have flowering trees where he's going. *

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