Monday, March 9, 2015

Clean kitchen

I woke up at 8, (the new 8) when the phone alarm rang. I shut it off and went back to bed. I started worrying about the kitchen floor again. The phone rang and it was Parker touching base with me. She said I could wait a few days to send a check because she and the contractor would have bought the stuff and would know what it cost. I took a pic of the ceiling in the basement under the refridgerator. I looked up my pics from when we moved in and compared them. The water stain looked the same, but the tiles in the corner looked a little different. I printed out the hexie templates from a link in Debbie's e-mail. It is for a donation to the head of DGS whose baby was born with health difficulties. I called Sharon to tell her about the kitchen floor. She said Bob would call me when he could come over. Then it seemed like a good idea to clean up the kitchen and diningroom. I did not want the kitchen to look like a place where things get spilled all the time. (But it is. I don't know why I am always dropping things and spilling. I do wipe them up right away, though.) I did better than I thought could be done. I found places for things that haven't been put away in some time (or never). The doorbell rang. To my relief it wasn't Bob. It was the postman. He brought me three packages and some bills. I went back to work. When I was finished with the kitchen, I juiced and turned to the diningroom. I did not do as good a job, but still, it was enough to see that there was no food on the table to draw the ants. I realized I was a day behind on my Sudoku when I uncovered it. I put in a few numbers as I ate breakfast, and then it was time to go quilting. Not many ladies showed up since there was a quilt retreat this week. I showed off my DGS quilt top. While chatting with the ladies, I trimmed the triangle blocks for the Renegade project. I sewed a bunch together in pairs. Maryann and I went to see Roberta who was organizing and throwing out stuff from resource room. There were some peanutbutter lids which I picked up to replace mine which are getting rusty. (As it turns out, they were slightly too small) I walked out with Maryann to my car and drove home. I brought my sewing stuff inside. I also brought some stacking baskets inside and up to the kitchen to place beside the fridge. They did not fit so I had to turn them sideways. Mostly the stuff from the pile of boxes fit in the baskets. I tried to wash two pairs of grass clippers with lemon rind but it did not work well. I rinsed them and put them outside to dry. I checked e-mail, and put stuff in baskets. I worked the Sudoku puzzle for this weekend and today. Then I opened the mailed boxes. My just cleaned table was now full of packing materials. Clutter abhors a vacuum. I folded the packing materials and put them in a box. I listened to an audio on flow state. I guess that what happens when I am in my sewing room. I sat in the den and savored some ham and thoroughly enjoyed it. (It isn't really on my diet). I read more e-mail, and listened to an audio. I ate hummus with sprouts, and a few crackers from yesterday. They're not really on my diet either since they don't contain anything I'm not getting already. I got to watching tapping videos on Youtube. I took a break to find some red and gold fabrics for a possible window topper to match the one I found at the rummage sale. I played one of the audio bonuses from the tapping summitt. When Chris came on skype, I talked to him for almost an hour. Actually, staring wordlessly was involved. (“What do you want to talk about?” “I don't know, what do YOU want to talk about?” “I don't know.” “Lets not start that again.” - from the Lion King). I finished the audio while tweezing my eyebrows and giving the seeds their evening soak. I read through an e-cookbook for adrenal and hormonal support, but the recipes had too many ingredients for me. I read through a website created by a friend's son, and now I will play a tapping meditation and go to bed.
* This fish, tied to a board, was placed near the inside brick wall of the fireplace to cook. *

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