Sunday, March 8, 2015

Lemon peels + vinegar = ?

I got up when I heard the alarm. I turned on the router and folded some laundry while I waited for it to take effect. I laid in the sun on the guest bed, enjoying the moments until, suddenly, the thought burst upon me that today might be the day time leaps forward. I leaped forward, to check my laptop. It was an hour ahead of my phone. Gasp. I made breakfast and ate half of it. Then I took a quick shower, no time for my hair. I got dressed and drove to church. The praise choir was singing instead of the regular choir so I needn't have hurried. Tim told me there was a stewardship meeting on Tuesday and that I should be there. I hoped I would remember. As I sat to wait for the service to begin, Jennifer handed me two small clippings. I handed her some soap samples that I got in Korea but never used. She had to sit down before she could tell me what the clippings were. But I figured they were mint and lemon balm so I tasted both. During the passing of the peace, she confirmed my conjecture. After church, I went in the little back room to assist Art. All I did was pull out the cash and write $12 on a scrap of paper with my name. And I put the offering plates back in the cabinet. That is where I saw Cecelia. She told me her procedure went well. Jennifer introduced me to Donna, the former choir director who was here for the goodbye party for Heddy. Heddy is going to live with her daughter so she won't be alone. She is a founding member of the church. Jennifer brought me into the fellowship hall to see the food and pointed out what I could eat. There was hummus with crackers from Trader Joe's. I put the hummus on celery and picked up some fruit. I told JenQ what a good job she did on one of the communion hymns. But I said it quietly because the organist was nearby. I sat to eat and talked to the lady in charge of Evanglism. I also talked to Jim the trumpet player before I spoke to Heddy, and drove to Publix. Thankfully I remembered my shopping list and shopping bags. I got what I needed, including avocados and eggs, which I saw on a Pinterest site. I went home and put the groceries away. I changed my clothes. I collected rain water from the cover of the kale bed. I filtered it, and ran it through the coffee maker. This took all afternoon. During the down time, I finished a video on permaculture. I ate sprouts with hummus, and juiced a bunch of lemons. I looked up lemon pith to see if it was good for anything. Everything I found included the peel. I washed the water containers, and the kale bed cover. I read how to make lemon cleaner by soaking lemon peels in white vinegar for two weeks, then straining out the peels. I updated my phone to the right time by turning it off and back on. I ate a banana with walnuts while watching videos on growing plants in bottles. I found soda bottle hydroponics very interesting, but since I did not have any soda bottles, I looked up water jug gardening. I skyped with Chris for awhile and nearly fell asleep afterward. I watched the last episode of X-Files on the Netflix DVD and readied it for the mail. I checked e-mail for anything from Parker or the contractor. I checked the floor around fridge for water since the floor boards seem to be swelling. But I did not find anything wet. I soaked the remaining broccoli sprouts, and started a new batch of seeds. They were not labeled so they will be a surprise. I looked through pictures taken when we first moved here to see what the basement ceiling looked like back then. I found one but was too tired to go in the basement to take another pic to compare it to. I decided to blog and go to bed.
* This is a corncob checker set from one of the cabins at Burritt on the Mountain *

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