Friday, March 20, 2015

I am not alone

I got up when Parker called, just before 8. She told me that she didn't know what could have happened to the drawers, but that the contractor bought stuff to make new ones. She also said the new tile looks great and the bathrooms may be finished by the end of tomorrow so she will get pics then. The bad news was that the old master bath ceiling leaked and the contractor is looking into the problem. But the basement was dry. Also the fridge needs deep cleaning and she estimates $40 to $50. The handles are broken off and some pieces inside are missing. She said if all goes well, the whole house will be finished in a week. And, she knows a couple who wants to see the house. After her call, the phone alarm rang. I guess it was waiting for the call to end. I watered the wheat grass and put it outside. I swished and exercised. I soaked the sprouts, much of which is ready to eat. I took a shower. It surprised a spider crawling in the tub. I did not need an audience. After the shower, I put on an audio. I juiced carrots, an orange and broccoli stems. I threw out some of the broccoli heads that looked possibly moldy. I ate some of the pulp. I stopped the audio and put on a meditation. I drank the juice (which did not taste as good as I expected)and meditated. Then I made breakfast and ate it in front of the computer. I watched a video on He was constructing a quilt with cityscape on it. Then I listened to an interview with Carolyn Dean. She underscored the importance of magnesium and how so many things (like fluoride and medications) deplete it. I colored the sheet of hexagons to record the ways they could be divided up. I called Bob about the kitchen floor. He said he'd be back from California next week and will check it out. After the call, I heard a rodent scratching in the walls. Is that so I won't feel so alone? I opened the windows and turned on the fan. I tapped. I tapped about the rodent and about the house. I tapped for whatever else came to mind. I drank mugs of warm salt water to keep my electrical system tuned up for the tapping. All afternoon it went on. At 6 I took a break to cook some eggs in the toaster oven, and to eat some of Denise's sauerkraut, which had been fermenting for at least 2 weeks. I put on my glasses and looked in the mirror to see if I looked any younger. What I saw was how dirty the mirror was. So I got a paper towel and dipped it in the jar of water with lemon rinds. I washed the mirror with that, and it did a great job! I looked so much better! While soaking one foot in magnesium oil, I indulged myself in TWO episodes of X-Files, finishing the CD. The last one ended with “To be continued” so I went to Netflix and queued up the next one. Then I put on an audio and took my laptop downstairs. I cleared my work table, and was preparing to fussy cut some floral fabric when Chris skyped me. I took the laptop upstairs to answer him. We talked for about half an hour, then he went to bed. I listened to another audio while finishing up the first half of the hexecontehedron. What a milestone! I hope the other half won't take as long. Then it was time to soak the sprouts and go to bed.
* This is from the guild show and tell last night. I think it was called Murder in the Sunflowers. *

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