Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Wanna hear a story?

I heard the alarm go off at 8, but did not feel like getting up. I tapped until I did. Then I checked e-mail, swished, and exercised. I did a short tapping meditation for mornings. I juiced an English cucumber and some celery. Not bad. I did not have time to clean up the juicer just then. I got caught in reading something on the internet. And then I had to get dressed and go to quilting. Ok, so I did not do any actual sewing. I took a pic of the Sunbonnet Sue blocks that were brought in, and of Jane's fairytale quilt wallhangings. I talked to one lady about knitting. She said she couldn't do it anymore because her hands hurt. I told her about the massage therapist using a tennis ball to work on the fingers from the top of the forearm. When she left, I talked to Beverly. We helped Jane pack up. Then Beverly and I stood talking in the parking lot. Then I went to Asian store for kimbap. I also bought sprouts. I had the soy ones first and then traded for the mung bean. Silly me, I thought they were the same thing, looking just alike. I ate three pieces of kimbap in the car before driving home. Then I ate the rest with kimchi. Mmmm. I also read e-mail, and saw a crowd funded project for a beehive that allows the honey to be drained into a jar without any mess or fuss, smoke or bee suits. I saw a Facebook post from Michele that suggested that she isn't getting her deposit back, nor an end to her lease. I looked up how to make a diffuser for essential oils. Most used reeds. One was made with clay, and one with oil on a clothespin. I tried that one. And on the way back from getting the mail, I picked up two magnolia cones to dry out and anoint and hang. Back to e-mail, I found out that poor Michele will never get her/our deposit back because the landlady filed for bankruptcy and was renting her an apt that did not legally exist. Know a good lawyer – in Korea?
I researched taxonomic classifications of plants to get a range of vegetables after reading that many veggies in the grocery store are related to broccoli. I spent a lot of time taking notes, thinking that there must be an easier way to keep track. I chopped up an onion and fried it in a pan while I dug up some garlic in the back yard. I sliced that in as well, and then added two pounds of ground beef. continued checking taxonomy. I ate some beef, and then added a jar of canned tomatoes. I drank some of the juice. The sheer volume made me think that I will be eating this for weeks. I did two daily Sudoku puzzles, and checked for new e-mail. I went to the stewardship meeting at church, and learned a lot about the financial record keeping. Verizon has asked to rent a piece of the property to build a cell tower – no decision needed yet. I unlocked my car from the church building so I could run over through the rain and get in. But it locked itself just as I got there. I must have bumped the button as I ran. When I got home, I saw the Chris had skyped me. He had skyped with Michele and gotten her story, which hadn't improved. She hadn't been required to pay rent since last fall, but the lady didn't tell her. There was no new news on any other front, so we hung up and he went to bed. I went back to my taxonomy project. I took a break (aka procrastinated) to do the Sudoku puzzles for the rest of the week. If I die before Monday, it's ok. I checked e-mail hoping for something interesting, but no. I posted to my blog, did some tapping and went to bed.

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