Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wednesday night service

I woke up early again today. But I kept trying to go back to sleep. I gave up and got up when the alarm rang/tweeted/played. I swished and read for 20 minutes with the HappyLight. The thermometer proclaimed a balmy 65 degrees. I exercised, rebounded, and drybrushed. I swallowed 6 frozen oil capsules. Then I did the coffee detox and listened to two tapping audios. I juiced cucumbers, carrots, papaya and some pea sprouts. I kept tapping. I filled two water bottles with warm salt water. I packed my sauna bag and put on my suit. Then I drove on post. There was no one in the sauna. I was alone for awhile and tapped, then two ladies came in and another two. It was quite the party at one point, but most did not stay long. I wanted to try the steam room to get the sweat going, but it was out of order. After sweating for an hour, I showered and got dressed. I went home and checked the mail: none. I wanted to make breakfast, but it was sunny out, so I went out barefoot to collect the rain water from the tarp over the kale. I noticed that the christmas lights were all out. Nothing lasts forever. Due to a forecast of precipitation and freezing temps, I figured all the daffodils would get frozen to death. So I picked most of them and put them in a vase of rainwater. Roz called to say she did not need a ride. She also said she heard that I was a saint. Oh dear, what did I get volunteered for now? But it was about me helping Art count the offering. I had volunteered for that (not that he'll let me or anyone else), so it was ok. Then I made breakfast and ate it. I jotted notes for my blog. It clouded up outside and the wind picked up. I brought the water inside to filter. I listened to several short audio interviews as I filtered water and ate some sweet potato and onion. I also ate a square of dark chocolate with dates. I listened to a longer interview with tapping. I had to pause it so I could change my top and go to church. I took my choir folder and tablet. I sat in my usual pew. Mr. Cox sat with someone else. It was a very musical service. There was one part where a lot of people sang one line solos. I was glad I wasn't one of them. But I was invited to sing one next week. I turned it down. After the service I stood in line to shake hands with the intern and the guest pastor. Then I went back into the sanctuary for choir practice. JenQ sat with me. Jennifer gave me trombone music for Easter. After the practice, I told her I would rather not do it. She was gracious enough to accept that. She also told me about the things she is trying to help the sinus infection that came on in the last few days. Then I went home to skype with Chris. But he wasn't home yet. So I drank some tea and resumed my audio. He skyped me when he got in. We talked for awhile and then he went to bed. I finished the audio and listened to a short tapping meditation before going to bed.
* In case anyone desperately wants to see what egg and banana pancakes look like. *

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