Thursday, March 12, 2015

See how they grow

.Even though I had trouble falling asleep last night, I woke up early this morning. I did not know how early it was until I got up. It was maybe 10 till 8. I swished, checked e-mail, exercised and juiced. I did not exactly meditate but I relaxed while listening to an audio and tapping, and then made breakfast. When that was over, I pushed myself away from the laptop to get dressed, and grab my sewing project. I took Chris' car to the Thursday group. I did a little handwork, but mostly talked. Pat told me all about how her grown son loves getting a crocheted afghan twice a year. The lady whose daughter died was presented with 26 heart blocks. When I got home, it was looking like it might rain again. I ate a banana mixed with pecan meal, and some frozen mango chunks. I watched a TED talk on reversing desertification with planned grazing. I planted the peas into the flowerbed by the house for protection. I cleaned the white enamel tub and determined that it was not suitable for collecting rainwater for drinking due to rust. I brought in a plastic tub of rainwater for processing. I looked for a Dropbox pic of a broken door at the Pinehurst house but did not find it, Read e-mail, ate sprouts with hummus, added air to my back tire with the little air compressor, planted beans in the pea pot, checked e-mail, tapping through scripts in The Big Book of Tapping. I took a break to check e-mail and that is when Chris skyped me. We talked for an hour. Nothing new, except receiving a revaluation of our Pinehurst property in the mail. It was way over what Parker said we could sell it for. I ate a piece of aloe and went back to tapping. I listened to an audio interview. I put on some space music from Youtube and did some more tapping. A lot more tapping. I began to see things in a new way, new and a little disturbing It took a bit of digesting. The wind began to howl. There was a strong light from next door, but it only lasted a few minutes. I decided to go to bed and see how I felt about things in the morning.

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