Sunday, August 30, 2015

A Day to Play

Just as I was going to sleep last night, I remembered spilling a few drops of kefir during feeding time. I got up to wipe them up and found roaches in the sink. I slapped at them with the dishcloth. I wiped up the spots and went to bed. Then my phone rang in the middle of the night, waking me. I did not try to answer it but after not being able to go back to sleep, I got up to check. There was a message and it was from Brother International. But the last number that called was a 256 number so the message must have come in earlier. I had a hard time going back to sleep. When the first rays of daylight came in the window, I put on my eyeshades and went to sleep. I heard the alarm but did not get up right away. I checked the back door, and the web was still there. This was the third time I had to clean up after that spider. Who does it think I am – his wife? I took a shower and made breakfast. I ate while reading e-mail. I looked up the number in my phone. The call came from Hardees. I strained the whey from last night and put it in a small jar. I took the trombone and cheese and Margie's dress to church. She wasn't there, but I talked to Jennifer and then Mary arrived. We practiced together. Then I greeted a few people and checked my box. When I got back to the sanctuary, Mary was already playing. She nodded to me and started our piece. I played at all the right times. Then she played some transition music while I moved my instrument and stand out of the way and went to my seat. Jim R. gave me a thumbs up. We had a substitute pastor and low attendance. After the service, Don asked about Chris as he always does. Then I ran to help Art with the offering. Bill stopped by to say how much he enjoyed my playing. Art asked if we could count at 3 instead of 2:30. Jennifer came by while I was packing up my trombone and we had a long chat. Then I went home to change my clothes and offload my trombone. I proceeded to Publix for groceries and shoe inserts. I wanted coconut cream, but there were only two brands and they both had objectionable ingredients. I drove home and put most of the food away. I ate tomatoes and the last of the beef with some kimchi. Then I went to church to count the offering with Art. The sheet balanced the first time. Score! I came home, and checked e-mail. Kurt was online, so over skype, he showed me his old laptop. It worked, but it needed a new battery and a new fan. I was considering using it to run my 16-year-old embroidery software. After the call, I went out to do yardwork. Once I got started, it was hard to stop. I used the weedeater to trim along the driveway and sidewalk and fence. I used the clippers on several bushes and tall weeds. It was getting dark, so I brought the rain water in. I saw that the spider was getting ready to start spinning his new web. I finished weedeating, and came in through the garage. I drank 6 grams of vit C. I researched making coconut cream for a watermelon cake. I listened to audios as I collected items to fill the dishwasher. Chris skyped me and we talked until 10. Then I finished loading the dishwasher and ran it. I watched an episode of X-Files. I went into the garage to find my camera so I could take a pic of the block I made yesterday. Then I posted to my blog, fed my pets, and went to bed. I was glad I did not have to dress the bed first like I did last night.

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