Monday, August 31, 2015

Eggs in a whirlpool?

I woke up with the alarm. When I got out of bed, I felt cold, so I checked the thermostat. It was down to 78. I unstacked the dishwasher and filled a quart container with water to drink. I started in on today's e-mail. I exercised to one audio. I watched some stuff on TQS. I swished and then put arch supports in my shoes to go outside and check the plants. I juiced carrots and saved part of the juice to try to sweeten coconut cream. I meditated, then made and ate breakfast. I gathered up something to sew, then went to quilting in Chris' car. When I got there, some of the ladies had just finished lunch. I told them I had a plane ticket for Oct 28th. Someone asked what I was going to do with my car. I said sell it or leave it beside the road. Alice was interested in buying it for her grandson. I made sure she understood that it had transmission problems. Leona had a dozen eggs that I asked for last week. (They are for Jennifer). I did not have much to do, so I offered to help Lauri with her quilt. We worked all afternoon. I did take some time to make two purple blocks. Sharon the rental agent called. I told her we were leaving officially on the 28th. She asked if she could show the house in the meantime. I said yes, but I couldn't guarantee it would look nice. Sheryl came later in the afternoon. It was almost 6 when I came home. I brought the eggs in and watered the plants. The squash I was waiting on turned mushy instead of ripe. The harvest I have been waiting on all summer hasn't panned out. I drank some whey and read e-mail. I ate some onion soup, and cooked eggwhites in a coffee pot. I thought they would cook gently in such a carefully controlled temperature. I looked up health problems of Chinese drywall. I signed a petition about it. I poured water from the coffee pot through a strainer to catch the bits of egg white. But most of it was on the bottom of the pot and had started to crust on. I scraped it out and left the pot to soak. I made a new batch of spice mixture for breakfast. I watched a video on the Iceman. His name is Wim. Then Chris skyped. He talked about creating a vortex of hot water in a pot to poach an egg, but I could not find any reference to such a thing on the net. But I did find that scientists have learned how to unboil an egg. I kept searching. Then I took some tryptophan in advance of going to bed. I posted to my blog. I fed Lacto and Bacilis and went to bed.
* This is Carolyn's wallhanging *

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