Thursday, August 13, 2015

Being bugged

I got up soon after the alarm. I turned on the router and laptop. I made a PnB shake, and then a quart of vinegar water. I added salt because I might be deficient. I was researching whether coconut oil kills good bacteria (some say yes, some say no) when I heard a truck rumble by and that reminded me that today is recycle day. So I jumped up and got dressed. I collected one bag of paper and two of plastic. I took the bin to the street. Then I watered my plants. A tomato plant that died a month ago had small green tomatoes on it, and they turned orange. So I ate them. A live plant had an orange tomato on it, so I cut out the bad part and ate the rest of it. I scooped out the kefir grains from their jar, poured out most of the milk, and added fresh milk and put the grains back in. Someone had suggested that I name my grains but I haven't come up with a suitable name yet. I brought in the water jugs from the car. I listened to several audios from mental health summit as I exercised, juiced, and meditated. I was going to do a facial mask, but the paste I had made last week went moldy. Not wanting to spread mold all over my face (even though it COULD have been penicillin), I threw it out. I read about roach traps as I ate breakfast. Before leaving, I tore some strips from white fabric to make a sleeve and took the purple quilt and some thread and notions to Stitchits. I sat with Pat. Susan took a pic of my quilt and posted it on the group Facebook page. I handsewed the twp strips together and started sewing the sleeve, but it hurt my hands so I stopped. After 2, I packed up and went home. I watered the plants again, and brought in the mail and the recycling tub. I drank lots of water and then sunbathed. I read more about roach traps. I put some coffee grounds in a lid and surrounded it with diatomaceous earth. I filled a narrow top jar with soapy water and greased the sides near the top. I drove to the fish market for salmon. William called to say the lawn mower was in the mail. I cooked the fish in a copious amount of coconut oil. I ate some and put the rest away. I washed two sweet potatoes and two Jicama. I oiled them with what was left from frying the fish. I put them in the oven to bake. I listened to audios until Chris skyped me. He had to order a new suitcase from Amazon because his suitcase arrived broken when he got to DC. I finished the audio, then read articles linked to that page. I ate one of the sweet potatoes. The jicama never got soft, even after two hours in the oven. I killed a roach. Then I watched an episode of X-Files. I discovered the dead roach body was covered in ants. I smacked them all with a flyswatter. I dusted the doorway with diatomaceous earth. I posted to my blog and checked the roach traps in the kitchen before going to bed.
* This is Sherrie's miniature quilt *

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