Saturday, August 1, 2015

All the good water is gone

I stayed in bed through the alarm. Later, I turned on the laptop and router. I cleared some e-mail. I got dressed and put the tax bills in the mail. On the way back, I watered the plants. I brought in the houseplants on the front porch. I wrote two checks: one went in the mail and the other will go to church. I read the usual articles about cancer, gmo’s, depression, herbs, etc.
I looked for quilts I could enter in the quilt show, first on my blog, then on Pinterest, then in my quilt storage. I looked up the rules to see if my hexecontahedron fit any of the categories. I turned down the signature one I made for Chris last year because some of the people who signed it might not want it so public. Chris called from the San Francisco airport. He had been awake for 20 hours and was waiting for his flight to DC. I put on my suit and sun bathed. Then I got dressed and brought in the mail. That was when I found packages on the front porch – Swansons and Amazon – got my 100 pk size 12 needles for when I go to Korea, and the arnica cream. I rubbed some on my foot. I looked up ‘conta’ but did not find a good definition. I did find out that the hexecontahedron shape was found in a quasicrystal aggregate of Al6 Li3 Cu. I tried to research that, but kept getting sites that required a subscription fee. I wanted to know the physical properties that the configuration gave the substance. William called to say the mower batteries had arrived. I read an article on the hexecontahedron being derived from the triacontahedron – which had a beautiful drawing of 12 tria’s fitting into one hexe. I looked into buying kefir grains, but wondered what happens to them when we move? Starter packets are more expensive, but may travel better. Reviews say the kefir grains make better kefir than the starter packets. I ate a bowl of sprouts for supper. I looked into uses for mineral water. That search devolved into off-topics. I brought in the sheet from the garden. I washed the bedsheets first, in hot water, then I washed the rest of the laundry in cold water, When the sheets were done, I re-dressed the bed. I read an article about the importance of water in the diet and making ATP in the cells. I checked the back door at 8:10 – no spider, no web. I checked again at 8:30. He was sitting calmly in his completed web. I watched a talk by Dr. Gonzalez while drinking glass after glass of water: first the purified water, then the mineral water, and then filtered water. I tried to watch X-Files but the laptop would not run any of the programs that play DVD’s. I folded laundry while listening to a little more of Dr. Gonzalez’ 2 hour lecture. Then I took the next DVD back to the computer room and watched an episode there. Too late it occurred to me that that computer is not running f.lux which blocks blue light after sundown. I washed my feet, posted to my blog and went to bed.
* Here is another pic from the hydroponic farm. You can see the planters they use. *

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