Tuesday, August 18, 2015

It's Here!!!!

I heard the alarm but did not get up until 8:30. Even though I brushed my teeth before bed, my mouth tasted terrible. I decided to take aggressive action. I brushed with baking soda and then added a sip of vinegar. That did the trick. When I got to the kitchen, I found a trapped roach. It was not in one of the traps I made, but in the dry coffee pot in the sink. He was alive and well, but trapped. I poured soapy water over him to coat whatever it is he breathes with. He struggled, and then lay still. I listened to audios and got things moving again. I think the kefir contributed to constipation. I put Netflix in the mail.
I did my exercises. I watered plants in the living room with rainwater from last night. I juiced and meditated. I made breakfast and ate it reading e-mail. I changed from shorts to pants because it was a rainy day. I put my purple quilt and the sleeve in a plastic bag to take to my car. I pulled the sewing stuff from Chris' car and loaded it in my back seat. I did not want to drive his car in the pouring rain. When I got to the church, I asked for the rain to hold up for 2 minutes. It slackened and I rolled my cart to the church door. There were not many ladies there and they were finished with lunch. I had plenty of room to set up my machine. The lady next to me had brought me a dozen eggs from her son who raises chickens. I finished putting borders on the Renegades quilt. Then I pinned the sleeve to the back of the purple quilt and handsewed for the rest of the afternoon. Maryann was working on her blooming nine-patch and Lauri was doing a red-white-and-blue one for a coworker. Carolyn was still working on foundation pieced strips. It was almost 5 when I packed up, being almost finished with the sleeve. I needed to leave something to work on at Stitch-Its. It was not raining when I left the church, but was when I got home – only a mile away. I went inside and decided since my stomach was empty, to try the lime flush. All the ingredients are supposed to be at room temperature, but the limes were in the fridge. So I heated water in the coffee pot and put it in a quart cup. Over that, I placed a saucer. I squeezed three limes into it. While I was juicing limes, there was a knock on the door. It was the UPS man with a big box (the mower). I opened the garage and he rolled it in there with his hand truck. I finished juicing the limes, added two eggs yolks, and a tablespoon of olive oil. I had to warm it a little because the limes came from the fridge. Then I drank it down. I called William to tell him the mower arrived. He talked to me as I opened the box, took all the pieces out, then turned the box on its side to scoot the mower body out. I attached the lower handles, and then the upper handle. He told me how to attach the wire and the key and start it up. I was excited to use it, but not in the rain. Then we talked about the fabric license plates that he put in separately. The pattern was a black and white copy. It was hard to see. So I got online and went to their Facebook page to see the color original. I made a copy of the directions and two color copies of the finished product, which I taped to the directions. I refreshed the milk for the kefir, and washed the empty jar. I set it by the door to take to the farmer's market tomorrow. I watched a video on cell passaging. I ate the rest of the coconut from yesterday. I started listening to a long audio – and finished the last of the fish. I opened the mail. There was nothing really. I watched X-Files until Chris skyped me. We talked for a short time. Then I finished the episode. I watched some tapping videos that came in an e-mail, and then tapped on my own. I thought I could tap away this awful dread of going to Korea, but it just won't budge.

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