Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Trombone troubles

I woke up before the alarm and started thinking of all the things I was grateful for about the life I have now. I continued after the alarm went off. Then I got up and turned on the router. My trombone was right there, so I picked it up to practice. But the slide sounded raspy. I oiled it and watered it but the sound continued. I could see that all the plating had worn off of one section of the inner slide. I wondered if I should send it to the slide dr. in Atlanta. So I played the other one. Then I went to the kitchen and got out my paper with the detox procedure on it. First up was to drink lemon water. I poured the rest of a jug of water into my quart measuring cup. I filled it with rain water. Then I noticed that not all of the rain water got boiled. So I filtered the unboiled rain water into the coffee pot and heated it up. I added vinegar and lemon to the measuring cup and drank it with a straw while reading e-mail.
I boiled coffee and heated up water. I did not get William's check in the mail because the mailman came 40 minutes early. I exercised, drybrushed and rebounded. When the detox was over, I did the lime thing then sunbathed. Then I juiced and cleaned up, and then meditated. I got a message that our Netflix password was changed and the e-mail address and streaming was added. I called Netflix to restore our account and had to change the password. It started raining again, so I put out the collection tubs and got wet. I looked up the slide doctor. I read about their recommendations for cleaning and lubing, and the cost of having a slide 'fixed'. I filled the slide with shampoo in water since shampoo should be good for grease. I hung it on the door knob to soak while I looked up how to print on fabric. I cut some freezer paper and muslin and ironed them together. Then I trimmed off the edges. I made a pdf of quilt labels for the show. Then I printed it in a piece of paper. That worked. I tried printing it on the fabric. The print part worked but it did not feed farther than the first label before getting stuck. It just wasn't stiff enough and the edges curled. I went back to the slide. I cleaned the inner and outer with paper towels on a rod. I got some green stuff but not that much. As per their instructions, I put one drop of oil on each slide, then slid them in and out. I wiped them off and sprayed water. The slide worked pretty good then, but still had some sound. Is it worth $140 to have it fixed perfectly? I don't know. But if I'm going to do that, I had better do it before going to Korea. No telling what might happen to the slide in international mail. I watched an episode of X-Files until Chris skyped me. He needs me to pick up my plane ticket but I need the new POA to do it. After the call, I finished the episode. I could not resist several blank Sudoku puzzles. I posted to my blog and probably went to bed.
* this is one of the quilts I saw yesterday. I think it belongs to Ann *

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