Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Unexpected ice cream

I got up at 8 with the alarm. I played audios while drinking vinegar water and exercising. It was coffee detox day, so I got to listen to lots of audios from the mental health summit. Dr. Amen mentioned that a map of the areas where schizophrenia is most prevalent would match such a map of Lyme Disease. I watered the plants. I did today's Sudoku puzzle. I called Denise about 12:30 to say I was almost on my way and was there anything I could bring her? She mentioned boxes so I filled my car with boxes. I was trying to get the large TV box in the car when I decided to call and see if she needed a TV box. She did not, so I just left. When I got there, she made us scrambled eggs. Then we talked. She wanted to sell her wedding dress, so I held it up while she took pics. Then I played the Effortless Efficiency CD as we packed boxes in her closet. Then her husband came home. We helped a little with packing the trailer. She left me to pack while she made supper, but I did not know enough about what was to go now and what to be left for last, so I got a broom and swept up all the cat hair. She had me use a different broom for the cat room. Then I sorted a stack of papers by calling out what I saw for her approval. When supper was ready, the three of us sat at the table. She said a prayer and we ate salad, cauliflower, and beef patties. Then we looked at her garden. She picked some tomatoes and two very large carrots for me. Then she said she was taking me somewhere. So I got in their truck. As David drove, I called Chris to tell him I wasn't going to be able to skype with him tonight. We went to a place called SubZero. Basically they make ice cream to order. I got coconut milk as a base, honey as a sweetener, and blueberries and cashews mixed in. It was good for a non-dairy ice cream. I ate as we drove back. It made me kind of sleepy. When we got to their house, she filled some water jugs from her water filter. Then she thanked me for coming and helping, and I thanked her for the veggies and the ice cream. As I drove home, it occurred to me that if someone had bet me $100 this morning that I would be eating ice cream by the end of the day, I would have taken that bet. Then I worried that I might forget about the spider at the back door and run into the web. But, I did remember, and I went in the front door. I cleared some e-mail and posted to my blog and went to bed.
* This is how they freeze each individual ice cream order, by hand in a stainless steel bowl. The clerk claimed they used liquid nitrogen. *

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