Sunday, August 16, 2015

Growing bacteria

I got up at 8 with the alarm. I turned on the laptop and the router. I listened to audios as I took various supplements. I ate breakfast then showered and dressed. Chris called to say he was waiting for a later run of the KTX because the sooner one only had standing tickets and he did not want to stand on a train going 200 miles an hour. I took the box of dropper bottles to my car. I watered the plants on the way out. Then I drove to church, giving my usual thanks for the automatic transmission. There was time to speak to people before the service. I got the papers from my church mailbox. Ron asked about Chris and related how he did not realize before he retired that the money was good at the time but over the years became tight. Then I sat in my pew and Jennifer sat with me. At the anthem time, the Luthermen sang. They were very good as usual. Dad would have enjoyed listening to them (and probably singing with them too). After the service I helped Art count the loose offering. Jennifer showed me a half slip and some elastic. She was asking questions about how to replace the worn out elastic. As I was explaining it, I realized it would be easier for me to do it and that that was probably what she was hoping for. So I offered and she accepted. Mary spoke to me about playing on the last Sunday of this month. Then I got the bottles from the car for the pastor's wife. She is a kindergarten teacher. She was recently diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor that hasn't grown in two years. So she's still working. She talked about essential oils and acupuncture. We discussed the blocks she wants me to make into pillowcases and how to get them clean. Then I drove to the grocery store. Among other things, I got a coconut with juice, and a papaya and a spray bottle. When I got home, I changed clothes and put the food away. Soon it was time to go back to church to count the offering. We did it in 35 minutes, which was some kind of record. Although, to be fair, we did not fill out the bank ticket because he did not have the book. When I got home, I listened to audios (this is the last day for the mental health summit) and I ate the papaya and sucked all the pulp from the seeds. I put them in the fridge to dry out. I worked some puzzles. I went down to sew new elastic in Jen's half skirt. I used a corkscrew to put a hole in the coconut to drain it. Then I put it in two bags. I took it to the patio to bang it against the bricks. One last big bang broke the bag and pieces went everywhere. I picked up the biggest ones and came inside. I ate a bunch of it, plus a quart of salt water. I looked up how to culture probiotics. Inulin is considered a prebiotic so I added some to my kefir from yesterday. I also added some psyllium husk. I emptied the dishwasher. Then I watched the last segment of Parade's End with Benedict Cumberbatch. When that was over, I watched an episode of X-Files. Then I checked for new e-mail. Chris skyped me. He was on his lunch break. I might have been tempted to take a personal day after all the traveling he did. He recommended growing probiotics in gelatin. Then it was time to clean up in the kitchen and go to bed.
* I did not take any pics today, so here is Julie's quilt from Thursday *

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