Monday, August 24, 2015

Printing on muslin

I got up a little after 8. I checked for a spider web and there was none. I actually did see the spider last night before I went to bed. So I cannot explain why he did not take down his web yesterday, unless it wasn't his web and some other spider was muscling in on his territory.
I turned on the laptop and router. I checked my kefir. I swished and drank vinegar water while checking essential oils on several sites to find the best value. I put the laundry in the washer. I exercised while listening to an audio. I strained the curds from yesterday's kefir. I decided to skip juicing since I only had a cucumber and it would be best used tomorrow when time is short. I made and ate breakfast. I got dressed. I went down to fold the laundry from the dryer. Then I cut a piece of muslin and two pieces of freezer paper. I ironed them all together. I put it in my printer and copied quilt labels on to it. And it worked quite well. I took two quilts to the car. I got the mail - a check for escrow from the house that sold. Shouldn't that have been included in the payoff? When I got to quilt group, Rebecca asked me if I was ready for lunch. I had forgotten that we were going to do lunch at Panda. But it was ok. We went and I ordered two eel pieces. We had a good time talking and eating. She paid for my lunch. Then we went back to the church. I cut the labels from the muslin and sewed them to the quilts. I cut stray threads and sewed the corners closed. I adjusted some tension problems. I stayed to talk until almost 5. Then I packed up and went home. I watered the plants which I had forgotten about earlier. I ate some onion and cabbage soup, and then some heart with kimchi. I brought up the laundry from the basement. I used the push mower to get some more places that the riding mower missed. Then I turned my attention to my supplement order. I made up supplements for next week and did not need any more. So I finished the orders already in place. I renewed X-Files on-line. I cleared half of my unread e-mail (50!). I added to my to-do list. I practiced my trombone. I watched an episode of X-Files. Chris skyped me. Then I posted to my blog and puttered around before going to bed.
* This is a row from the store in Midlothian *

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