Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Collecting license plates

I woke up before 8, started swishing with toothpowder and went back to bed. Still before 8, I got up to turn on the computer and print something I had seen on a math website that I thought would make an interesting quilt. Denise called to say her husband wanted to move a trailer-load of belongings this weekend and could I come over and help her pack (or at least supervise)? I said I might come over tomorrow and definitely on Thursday. Then I did my exercises and took the Vit C. I watered the plants. I renewed the X-Files DVD. I called the church to make sure Art and I could use the computer.
I got my stuff for this afternoon together and took it with me to quilting. They had row-by-row patterns on the table. I picked up a few and some Roma tomatoes that someone had brought in. We talked about fabric license plates with Beverly. I called William and asked if he could check Quilter's Corner for theirs and he did. I stopped at the Asian (and more) store for kimbap. I ate it at home with the last of the kimchi. It was especially good today. I read some e-mail, and checked for other quilt shops in the Richmond area. I wondered if I had friends in every state so I could collect a whole set. I drove to church to meet Art at 1. The secretary was just leaving. I used her computer to enter all the contributions for July. By then it was 2:40 and he had not shown up to do first quarter with me. Well, I had some of first quarter so I entered two sheets. I also corrected some inaccuracies. Then I shut down the computer and turned off all the lights. I drove to the farmer's market already in progress. I bought goat milk and spent a long time talking to the lady about kefir, which she is doing also. Then I wandered around and bought cucumbers, peppers, and tomatoes. I did not see the meat vendor or the hydroponic man. I brought my food home in an insulated rolling tote. When I brought in the mail, there was a small box. I was thrilled to get the kefir grains so fast. Except that when I opened the box, it was not kefir grains, it was a stainless steel water bottle. Sigh. I read e-mail. One article talked about a doctor that cured every polio patient that came to him with mega doses of vitamin C (in 1948). But when he presented a paper on the subject, no one would listen. I read several articles in a tapping e-mail and tapped along. At 6 I drank the first draught of epsom salt water for a gallbladder cleanse. I was hungry and wanted to eat, but the plan called for fasting after 2. I tapped along to another video. Then took a break to go outside and warm up. Chris must have called during that time, because when I checked to see if my phone was charged, there was a message. I called him back and we talked until I heard skype on my laptop. It was Michele, She formed a group call by signaling Chris. So we all got to talk. Appearances were made by Olivia, William, Cecily, Al, Mike, Becca and James. It was almost a reunion. Chris hung up to go to bed and I stayed up to chat with Michele and Olivia. After the call, I watched an episode of X-Files, drank the olive oil and grapefruit juice called for by the new cleanse I am trying and went immediately to bed.
* These are the surprise lilies coming up this year *

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