Monday, August 3, 2015

Hot day, cold room

I got up after 8, not feeling energetic. I searched my old purses for cash to put money in the mail for the kefir grains I ordered. I got dressed and watered the plants. I rubbed arnica on my foot. I read e-mail and exercised while watching a video (but I don't remember which one). I juiced cucumbers and carrots. I made and ate breakfast. I was almost ready to go when Denise called wanting to order magnesium oil. I said I had a new bottle unopened, and she could come by the church to pick it up. I got to the church after 12:30. Half the parking lot was roped off. I wheeled my sewing stuff inside. I set up next to Bertha. I drew x's on half of my light squares. Then I pinned and sewed squares together on all 4 sides. I carefully cut on the lines and pressed them open. Denise stopped by to pick up magnesium oil. She took a pic of the hexecontahedron which I brought to show off, and various quilt projects in progress. She mentioned undercover videos of Planned Parenthood which I hadn't heard of. She said her father's foot was not doing so well. After she left, Sheryl came by, and later her husband. They asked about my foot. I guess they are ready for some more organizing. It was freezing in that room, so I started packing up to leave. Chris called while I was packing up, asked if I thought it was worth $800 for him to fly down here for the weekend. At the risk of insulting him, I said I didn't this it was, but would support him him in making a different decision. I finished a few conversations in the room, then went home. I got the mail, then ate tomatoes and sweet potato leaves. I sent the bills to Chris, then read e-mail. I watered plants because they were looking peaked. I looked online for the Planned Parenthood videos. I watched two of them and tried to watch the 3 hours version of one but … it was hard to hear. Chris had said he was going to call me back but I must have missed his call. I listened to part one of Dr. Gonzalez' really long lecture. I stopped it at 9 to watch an episode of X-Files while 'rice'ing my foot. Then I resumed listening to Dr. Gonzales. He spoke of healing with vitamins and minerals – separate sets depending on whether the sympathetic or parasympathetic system was dominant. He also said cancer comes from stem cells that go berzerk, and can be calmed by pancreatic enzymes. He gave all the historical references and credits to the people who discovered this. i got several Sudoku puzzles done and even took notes. When it was over, I e-mailed the link to Denise. Then I posted to my blog and went to bed.
* These are the black-eyes Susans that come up every year. I usually thin them out, but did not have time this spring. *

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