Saturday, August 8, 2015

You can catch more flies with kefir than with vinegar

I got up early. I wasn't sure I could get up at all. I had placed my meds near my bed. But once I managed a standing position, I took it as a good sign. I rubbed some arnica on my back. I turned on the router with my foot since bending was contraindicated. I turned on the laptop. I put water in the glass coffee pot to heat. I emptied the dishwasher of all items except for two glass casserole dishes which were heavy and will go in the back of a low cabinet. I made myself a P and B shake (psyllium and bentonite) in the Magic Bullet. The fruit fly community was all gathered around the kefir. I did not think they could get through the paper towel but I checked inside just to be sure. Then I put some in a bowl and covered it with plastic wrap. I poked some holes to make a trap. Then I put two cups of warm water in a bowl and added apple cider vinegar. I drank that while reading e-mail. The fruit flies were interested it that too, which surprised me since they were not interested in the vinegar/soap combo that I offered them a while ago. Maybe they knew it was a trap? I read e-mail and tried an exercise that is supposed to accept and release fear. I took my vitamins, then got the mail. I watered the plants and trimmed the four o'clocks. I was pulling weeds from the compost pile and found an avocado plant. Then I took my pre-breakfast supplements and was going to exercise, but started a video on chemical burden. It took almost an hour and a half. I did the coffee detox while I listened. Did you know that the ingredients of personal care products is largely self-regulated? Companies get to decide for themselves if the ingredients are safe and then don't even have to tell the gov't that the chemicals are being used. So the labeling leaves a lot to be desired. Then I meditated. I turned off the AC and turned on the fan. I exercised. Jennifer called to ask me to write down an affirmation for her son to find a subletter. I offered her some kefir but she won't be in church tomorrow. I juiced and cleaned up before the remaining fruit flies could join me. I read more about feeding kefir grains, but there was not much info beyond milk. Are my search results being filtered? I made breakfast and put in some kefir. I also added some kefir to the coconut milk batch. I am ready for my grains to multiply so I can try growing them in whey which is full of lactose which I think is what they eat. I searched my computer for some feng shui notes I took a while back with no luck. I tried a Sudoku puzzle with no luck. I started a tapping video, then stopped to get out my backup trombone. I played it to test it out, then put it in my car for tomorrow. I pulled weeds and raked them up. I resumed the video. I drank water, and was attacked by hungry, desperate fruit flies. If I die, I want it written on my tombstone so the world will know the danger. Chris skyped me, but he did not sing. He was tired. After he hung up, I watched an episode of X-Files with rice on my foot. Then I wrapped it for bed. I got the kefir out of the oven which was full of fruit flies. Are they living on the fumes? I finished reading through an e-mail, and then posted to my blog so I could go to bed.

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