Sunday, August 9, 2015

No mow Sunday

I got up just before 8. I poured out some keifr to drink and added some fresh milk to the jar before putting the coffee filter back on top with a rubber band. I checked e-mail, and made a psyllium and bentonite shake. I took a shower, then drank some warm lemon water. I got dressed and watered the plants. I made and ate breakfast. I put my grocery bags in the car and went to church. I hit the bathroom and still had time to greet a few people. Heather and her husband talked about car repair. As I settled in the pew, the pastor was giving announcements. During the passing of the peace, I stopped by the restroom again. Margie told me how in addition to getting ready for school, she is helping with two upcoming weddings. The children's sermon was about Jesus being the bread of life and our pastor brought a copy of the food pyramid with bread and grains being the largest part. I did not want the kids to think bread and pasta were the healthiest foods on the list. After the service, I met Art in the back to record the loose offering and we talked about getting first quarter on the computer. He presented me with a thumb drive and wanted me to put the software and files from the church onto it. I said I didn't think I could do that since it seemed to be a problem to get it from one computer in the church to another. Then I met Mary at the organ. She gave me some music to look over to play on trombone sometime. We talked about doing one piece at the end of August and the other at the end of September. A number of people remarked what a pretty color my dress was. Instead of going straight to the market, I went home to drop off my trombone so it would not be sitting in a hot car. I drove to Publix for groceries. I did not get much. I carried them out myself. But the man came to get my cart and we spoke about the heat and counting the offering. When I got home, I put the groceries away. I checked e-mail and read up on fruit flies. Per an article, I put peppermint and eucalyptus oils in my diffuser. I put laundry in the washing machine. I changed my clothes and drove to church to count the offering with Art. Although we had a lot of things that were somewhat unusual, it all added up the first time. Score! And it only took the usual hour. I drove home, hoping my next door neighbor would be home so I could borrow his mower. But he wasn't. I hoped the fruit flies would be gone, too, but they weren't. I researched Mindmag, a brand of magnesium that Denise tried and did could not take. Chris called while he was waiting for Marie. When she arrived, he got in the car and I talked to both of them. After the call, I went to open the jar of kimchi that I had bought at Publix and left sitting on the table. I saw that the lid was buckling. So I opened it outside (which was a very good thing). I ate about half the contents of the jar. I put the laundry in the dryer. I ate a nectarine and some tomatoes. I researched silicon dioxide. I answered some e-mail. When I went down to get the laundry, I moved a box of thread and some netting scraps to the donate pile. Then I brought the laundry upstairs and folded it. I went outside to pull grass at the side of the driveway while catching the last of the sun. I gave up on my neighbor getting home in time for me to borrow his mower. I put Terroshield drops in the diffuser. It smelled kind of like a dryer sheet. Chris and Michele skyped me. It was good to see her and talk to her. Later, I was tapping when Beverly called. She asked if I wanted a fabric license plate from Georgia. I said I wanted one but only one even though they were going to go to a bunch of places. The call went on for some time. Then I sat in a chair with my foot up to watch X-Files. I had forgotten to put the rice sock back in the freezer so I had to do without it. I posted to my blog and went to bed.
* this is an avocado tree that is growing in the compost pile *

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