Monday, August 29, 2016

A day at home

I got up while Chris was at PT. I swished while using the dust mop on all the non-carpeted floors. That usually rounds up a centipede or two but I did not get any today. I drank a quart of lemon water. I deleted the first round of e-mail and answered one. I did my exercises and drybrushed. I boiled water for coffee. I tapped and meditated. I cleaned the sink. Beverly started texting me on Facebook so I spent some time with her. Chris came home for lunch. He brought packages from the post office. He also had a pork roast from the commissary, which he put in the oven for the afternoon. I planted my lettuce in the red dishes like before, but I put them on top of the concrete fence posts so that nothing could get them. I also planted the peas that had germinated on the window sill. I needed some of the small pots the zinnia seedlings were in, so I planted some of them in the front flowerbed. Then I went in. The smell of something burning made me nauseous. I wondered if there was something other than pork in the oven. I put away the items that came in the mail. I called and talked to Myra. I posted notices to Facebook community page about the sewing class and yoga. Then I went to Housing to request the centipede spray after all because Chris said so. I put some of the stickers that I bought in Masan on the wall above the mantle. They didn’t really go with the old décor, but there wasn’t enough to take the old ones down. I updated my Pinterest page with items I have made recently. Some I did not have good pics of. I watched videos on how to dress apple shapes to hide the tummies. I took notes on the clothing item designs. I worked today’s puzzle. I made up supplements for the week. Then I made breakfast. Chris came home and took the pork out of the oven. I had Chris take pics of me wearing the items I wanted to add to my Pinterest page. Then I ate breakfast, and later some pork. I looked for something to mix and melt chocolate in on the stove, like a double boiler with a spout, but no luck. It was hard to believe, but there was nothing better than the serving bowl on a pot that I usually use. We watched an episode of Lois and Clark. Then I posted to my blog and went to bed.
* these are my peas sprouting outdoors. It looks like 100% germination, but short. Inside, about half sprouted and they were a lot taller. *

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