Saturday, August 6, 2016

Getting into shape

I woke up not long before the alarm went off. I stayed in bed to do some mental programming. Then I got up to empty the dehumidifier. I had to remind myself to put on a pair of shorts to go with my sleep shirt before going outside to dump the bucket. Then I sat in the sun for 10 minutes or more. I watered the plants before coming in. I turned on my laptop before the router to see if it could detect any other wi-fi signals, but it could not. I had heard an interview yesterday where the speaker said it would be better to drip nutrition into us all day long rather than consume it all at once. So when I mixed my vegan superfood chocolate shake mix with coconut water, I added all my supplements to it and stirred to dissolve. The idea was to sip it throughout the day. While listening to more interviews, I ate seed crackers with mayonnaise. Then I threw the rest of the mayo out because some of it was orange and I wasn’t too sure about that. I did the kirtan kriya meditation and the last Oprah and Deepak one. I got out the peplum top which needed hemming around the bottom. Its’ a-line nature was a problem. So I serged the edge, then ran a basting stitch all the way around. I thought tightening up the edge would help it fold under. But the stitching ended up too tight. I had to smooth it out to pin it. Then when I sewed, I had to release even more tension and clip a few stitches. I pressed the whole hem, but some parts still would not lay flat. But I was done with it in more ways than one. I turned my attention to the black jacket. I had the collar pinned in a new position and thought it was ready to sew. But it wasn’t lying quite right. I needed to take out some topstitching. But the black stitches on black fabric was just too hard to see, even with glasses and my magnifying lamp. I gave up and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. After a late breakfast and more e-mail, I went back to the jacket. With a little more perseverance, I was able to open up the collar, sew a new shape, then cut out all the old seam. I even stitched up the cuffs. After hanging it in my closet, I went to the kitchen to eat nuts and blueberries. I looked at a video of how to sew a tiered top from striped fabric. I made a paper pattern from a top I own, then made a second copy. I drew lines on the first one and cut it up, labeling all the pieces. Then I placed the pieces on an extra-large striped shirt. I cut them out and reassembled them, then pinned the first seam. I needed a break. I went outside to pull grass from the flowerbeds and water the potted plants again. I finished the glass of supplements. Ugh, especially the ‘carcasses’ of fish oil. I watched one full episode of Criminal Minds, noting that it seemed oddly familiar. I started a second one and then skipped to a third. I watched the beginning and the end. Then I drank my magnesium water and took melatonin, tryptophan and a sublingual tablet. I posted to my blog, intending to meditate and go to bed.
* On the left is the new collar shape. The old look is on the right. *

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