Monday, August 8, 2016

Shopping in a thunderstorm

I had a hard time falling asleep last night. The yoga nidra meditation had me very relaxed, mentally and physically, so what was the problem? I turned the router off when I went to bed, but the audio kept going and going and going. Finally I had to get up to shut it off. It had switched to the next audio and it was 3 hours long! And all that must have been in the buffer. I got up several times to go to the bathroom. Then I woke up with the alarm. I got up right away to swish while watering plants. Leaving the router off, I drank lemon water while exercising, and boiled water for coffee. I unpaused the audio from last night so I could meditate with it. The router was still off. After detoxing, the audio was finished. I cleaned the kitchen and put everything away. Finally I turned the router on so I could check for messages. I was surprised no one called yet, especially Nela. My laptop crashed on start-up, so I restarted in safe mode then restarted in regular mode. I wondered if the crash was heat related. There were no messages. I cleared the first round of e-mail and started work on today’s puzzle. I called Nela. She invited me to lunch as a fund raiser for Navy ball, but it involved buying ham and cheese sandwiches so I declined. Then she invited me to go with Anna and Myra to Gimhae after lunch. I put some cash in my wallet. I made a chocolate shake and had seed crackers with mayo. I read that cucumbers help with memory loss because they contain fisetin. I put it in my Swanson’s cart for next time. I read about how a magnesium deficiency can lead to an itchy scalp. The article recommended a magnesium spray applied to hair and scalp. I had never tried it because the spray made my arm itch whenever I used it. But I was willing to try, so I sprayed the itchy patch of my scalp. Ouch! It stung. I felt a headache coming on. I washed it out of my hair as best I could. I ate the cucumber that I picked yesterday. I put on my Xero shoes and walked to Myra’s house. The CO’s family and Nela were there finishing lunch. Anna took Terry home and changed out the car seat, then came back for us. We piled in and were off to Gimhae. After she parked, we started walking to the market, and the rain began to fall. We stopped at some used clothing places along the way. It was in full downpour when we got to the covered streets of the market. The thunder was really loud, like gunshots. Little Terry ran through the puddles. We looked at all the foods for sale, many which I could not identify. I bought 6 large carrots at one place while Myra checked out a guitar at another. I stopped to buy a roll of kimbap. The lady made it right in front of me so I was able to communicate that I did not want the yellow radish. I ate it as we walked. Then we ran into a man walking his frog. I kid you not. Bullfrog on a leash. I bought a green coconut and a brown coconut. We ran into a place that spoke Thai. Anna could speak to them. It was a good thing, too, because then she asked them if she could borrow an umbrella. She walked all the way back to her car and came back for us. Her son was ready to go home, but we stopped at a row of plant places. He seemed to like looking at cacti with Myra. I bought a geranium and a lantana. Myra got two lantanas and something else. Finally we were on our way back. When we got back, there was no rain and had been no rain, but it looked like rain was coming. I watered my potted plants anyway. I cracked open the brown coconut and drank the water. I put it in two bags to break open on the cement. I ate some of the flesh but it wasn’t very sweet. It went into the fridge. I jotted some notes for my blog. I came across an article on ‘disinsection’, where airlines spray pesticides on planes, sometimes before passengers board, but other times while passengers are waiting for take-off. The WHO says the pesticides are safe, but permethrin and phenothrin have both been linked to Parkinson’s Disease. Not all countries require it so I do not know if I have personally been exposed. I finished today’s puzzle while listening to an interview from the Fat Loss summit. Sadly, it is running at the same time as the Sleep Success summit. I made a salad and ate as I listened. I cued up a meditation on the desktop for later, turning off the auto-play function. I watched an episode of House, as an escape from my usual thoughts. I posted to my blog with the intention of listening to yoga nidra and sleeping well.

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