Sunday, August 14, 2016

Planning to sew

If I jotted any notes today, they disappeared when my laptop rebooted itself. I wonder if it overheated. Anyway, near as I can remember, here is how the day went:
Chris got up really early to go running. When I came out, he was sitting in front of his computer, shirtless and sweating. So I read e-mail too, eating seed crackers. After he went to church, I went outside to water the flowers and vegetables. Then I took a cold shower and got dressed for church, wishing I had another summer dress to wear. I promised myself I would make one. I sat at my laptop again, listening to an audio and looking at yoga pants on Amazon until Chris came back from church. There was a pair I wanted to order as a gag gift for Joelle, but they were hard to find. Chris dropped me off at church and went home. Our chaplain was out of town, so we had a guy who was here once before. The subject of his sermon was prayer, mostly. He rambled on so much, that I wasn’t sure what his point was. Or maybe he had lots of points. The service ended promptly at 11:30. I walked outside and called Chris but he just pulled up. We went home and changed clothes. He got out chicken to defrost for supper. I read e-mail for a while. I read synopses of the lives of Star Wars characters. It seemed so new, as if I hadn’t watched the movies. Then we walked to the commissary to get lemons, greens, and frozen blueberries. We walked home. I listened to several more interviews. I did part of tomorrow’s puzzle. I partially defrosted some spinach to make popsicles. I blended it with coconut milk and butter and coconut butter, then poured it into popsicle molds. Chris put chicken in the oven. My little spatula broke while I was cleaning out the blender, so I looked at spatulas online to find a good replacement. I added that to the yoga pants order. I also searched for bags of raw organic almonds. For some reason, Amazon would not show very many. Actually, it showed me lots of things that were not what I searched for. I finished orders to Swansons and Amazon. My usual credit card had been disabled due to fraud. So I pulled out the one in my wallet to place the orders. I watered the plants again, but not the squash. I used my bug racket to kill some of the buzzing insects that followed me around. I looked at dress design ideas that I had saved on my laptop. I got out some green fabric for the dress and looked at patterns, trying to decide what would look best and be a sure bet. We watched one episode of Lois and Clark. Chris went to bed early. I got on my laptop and saw that my credit card charge to Amazon was rejected, but not why. In case it was a typing error, I went to Amazon and re-entered it. That seemed to go through. I tried to activate a new card, but the activation process included making a call, which I could not do. There was no way to e-mail them that I could not call, nor could I receive calls or texts to the phone numbers that they have recorded for us. I watched a documentary on Lyme disease and how so many doctors and administrators deny its existence (for financial reasons). Then I posted to my blog and went to bed.
* Here are the sprouts that I pinched off the sweet potatoes before I steamed them. If I can get them to root, I will have something to put in the pots outside where the currents plants are withering. *

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