Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Another sewing Wednesday

I slept through the night, waking just before the alarm went off. When I heard the alarm, I told myself that if I got up and put the recyclables out at the curb, I could go back to bed. So I did. I also checked the vegetables and picked some tomatoes before I came in. I laid down until after 8. When I got up, I emptied the dehumidifier, and turned on the router and laptop. I ironed my fabric panel which had fallen off the mantel. I straightened the edges with my rotary cutter and propped it up on a whiteboard so it wouldn’t fall again. I deleted a round of e-mail while drinking water. I listened to an interview while working today’s puzzle. I did the kirtan kriya meditation. I made a chocolate shake and drank it slowly. I felt fine after drinking it, so I wondered what went wrong yesterday.
I loaded up the fish quilt and some thread. I took the new basket and walked to the chapel. I was the first person there. In case no one else came, I did not set up the room. Myra came later and she got out one machine and worked on costumes for Chelsea’s girls. I hand-sewed binding for an hour. Ms. Chung came so I let her hand-sew while I trimmed stray threads, and there were a lot of stray threads. After she left, we packed up and walked out. I meant to go to the post office but forgot. We walked by the school where asters were blooming. We harvested some seed heads. I walked Myra home and then proceeded to my house. I made breakfast. I tried some of the fermented coconut milk to see if it tasted funny, but it was ok, so I used it and ate breakfast. I listened to an audio. Then I went over to Myra’s place. She was still sewing costumes. So I painted black lines around windows on the backdrop until she finished. She moved her machine and re-oriented the sheet the backdrop was painted on. Then I painted a bridge while she painted columns on a building. We worked until her husband came home. Then I went home. I checked e-mail. I ate seed crackers with hummus. I ate a handful of nuts with blueberries. I felt sleepy and kind of hoped no one would come to sewing class tonight. I changed my clothes. I drove to the FFTC, parked and walked to the chapel. There were ladies waiting for class to begin. We set up in the first classroom because it had toys for the kids to play with. So much for sleeping in class. I helped Jasmine pick out fabric and start an apron. Her mom told us all about what a nightmare being in the hospital was. Medication being mixed up, wrong procedures given, no AC, extra charge for hand soap, sitting in the trauma ward watching a gun-shot victim die in agony… Whew! Anna came by to get some QOV fabric to make blocks at home. She asked if she could make a paper tape dress form and I told her to come by sometime. We packed up early and were about to leave when Myra’s back went out. She laid on the floor for awhile with her feet up the wall. Then she got up to walk gingerly home. I offered her a ride but she preferred to walk. Nela walked with her. I drove home. I checked e-mail and did a meditation. Chris skyped me from the beach as I was writing my blog. Then I finished writing and went to bed.
* These are the quad marigolds. I may harvest some seed heads when they turn brown. *

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