Thursday, August 4, 2016

Two massages

I heard the alarm ring at 7:30 so I guess I slept pretty well. I got up at 8 to swish with charcoal and expose my retinas to the sunlight. I wet my hair and tied a light scarf over it to mold it into shape. I turned on the router and laptop. I opened some windows and turned on the fan to air out the house before the heat hit. I drank a quart of lemon water while working on today’s puzzle. Then I did the kirtan kriya meditation. I deleted the first round of e-mail. Heather posted a link to a trombone flash mob on my Facebook page. So I had to look it up. I was playing the longer version when Dad popped up on Skype. I waited just a bit to see if he would call me, and then I called him. He talked about the wound on his arm, and he alerted me to the fact that the older of my two younger brothers is turning 50 this month. I don’t know how he got ahead of me. LOL. He also talked about pronunciation changing in America. After he hung up, I answered the call of nature, then went outside to water the plants. I picked three tomatoes and noted a cucumber that should be picked soon. I got dressed for yoga. I swept the foyer where I keep my shoes and a centipede crawled out from one. Yikes. I took a pic of the Star Trek fabric to show Anna. I changed into yoga clothes, then grabbed my mat and headed to the gym. I called Myra to see if she was coming and her phone did not answer. When I got to the gym, Joelle was setting up for class. A few other ladies came. She said we would do yin yoga. It was still a work out. After yoga I went to the post office. There was only a bill for Chris. I went home. I made breakfast, ate it, and washed up. I walked to the massage place. Mr. Kim was still on vacation, so I was assigned a new girl. She was ok, but not as good as Mr. Kim. As the massage progressed, I was thinking about my next massage. After I got dressed and left, I went around the corner to the Chinese massage place. There was no one in sight. I rapped on the desk and a man’s head popped up at the back. The usual clerk came out and I pointed to the menu line that Mrs. Kim had said meant ‘shoulder massage’. He nodded and referred me to the other man, who was built like a sumo wrestler. I had never seen him before, and was expecting one of the two ladies I had seen. He guided me to a room with a curtain. On the table was a pullover shirt. He left while I took off my top and put it on. Then he massaged my back and shoulders and arms and head. It went well at first, but eventually I had to show him my surgical scar so he wouldn’t push too hard on my lower back. After that, he did not touch it at all. Also, he cracked my wrists, which I did not know was possible. Is it a good idea? All told, it was about a 30 minute massage and he charged me $20. What a great country this is! Massages on demand. I went outside to call Myra on her other phone. She was fine and did not need anything in the market. But I could not resist going. I walked around, bought a bitter melon, then came back to base. I stopped at Myra’s place. She did not realize her phone was on airplane mode. Anna came by with her son. I took pics of the backdrop which Myra and Danielle had finished. Myra sent me an emblem via Facebook that she needed to put on a poster. I went home to print it out. I downloaded it with my laptop, then sent it to the desktop computer. I printed it out, a very slow process, but color cartridge was empty. I replaced cartridge, and printed again. Myra came over to get it. I gave her some tomatoes, too. She looked at my garden, then went home to grid the printout so she could copy it to the posterboard, I listened to an interview while finishing today’s puzzle. I made a salad with some of the bitter melon and lettuce and cucumber. It was tolerable. I read e-mail and followed some of the links. I watched an episode of Criminal Minds on Netflix. Then it was time to take my magnesium, tryptophan, and melatonin. I posted to my blog, meditated, and went to bed.
* this is the bitter melon. I did not use much in the salad. *

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