Thursday, August 18, 2016

Two and a half hours of massage!

I did not hear Chris get up this morning, or if I did, I went back to sleep and forgot it. I do remember waking up in the night, having trouble going back to sleep. I have stopped taking the melatonin, but maybe I still need it occasionally? I heard my alarm ring at 7:30 but did not feel like getting up. Chris came back for a shower (after his 5am teleconference). We spoke as he was getting dressed. Then I got dressed and went out to water the garden and pots. I did some clipping, too. Then I settled down to read e-mail and drink water. I also finished today’s puzzle which I started yesterday. I ate seed crackers with the last of the mayo and then some of the hummus I made yesterday. Chris had cooked the chick peas for an hour and a half, but they would not get soft. So the resulting hummus was a bit grainy. I got out my empty supplement bottles from yesterday and went to Swansons to reorder. Some of the items have been ordered but have not arrived yet. I emptied all the powdered supplements for today in a bowl and measured it: almost 2 tablespoons. I mixed up some powdered magnesium that I buy in bulk and mixed it with coconut oil to make a thick paste. Then I put it in the fridge to harden a little so I could form it into a capsule shape. This will make it easier to take at night when I don’t want to drink a lot of water before going to bed. I listened to several audios from The Man Panel. I laid out the pattern pages that I printed yesterday - see pic. I handwashed my nylon footsies. I put on some new ones and took my mat to yoga. Myra was already there. She told me we were going to lunch on Tuesday with the new wife. Joelle led us through lots of stretches as her last yoga class for this month. Afterward, I helped roll up all the mats and went home. I found Chris there with lots of packages from the mailroom. He opened two for me and I opened two. I made and ate breakfast. I asked Chris to stay until I finished my shower. While I was taking my shower, the contractors came to measure all the windows for new shades. I think everyone is getting them. I got to read a little more e-mail before I went to the Foot Shop for my massage. It was pretty good. Afterward, I called Myra to see if she and some others were in the nearby market. But she said they were already on their way back. So I went to the Chinese massage place around the corner. I told her I wanted my face massaged but not the mask. And I wanted my arms massaged. I tried my phone translation app, but for some reason, it never finished translating. She indicated two massages on the menu: one facial and one full body. The combined price was 66,000. I showed her my 50,000 won note. She wrote into her translation app, and it came back “1 hour 30 points, first pay”. It sounded like a deal to me. She took me to a back room and left me with a set of massage clothes to don. I changed and then she came in. She had me lay face down while she massaged my back and legs. She was pretty hard on my shoulders. Then she turned me over and did the facial massage. It hurt to lay flat and I had to bend my knees to accommodate my back. Then she massaged my arms and legs. When it was over, I got dressed. I felt I had had enough massage for one day. I took a pic of the place across the street with the pic of a woman getting a hot stone massage. I walked back to the base. I drank lots of water and took the vitamin C that I meant to take this morning. Chris came home just as I was going out to mow. I could see that the Korean men that mowed this morning did part of my yard but not the yard next door. So I mowed what they did not in both yards. When I came in, Chris was having supper. I made and ate a salad, adding tomatoes and cucumbers from my garden. I read e-mail and listened to a pediatric conference about the effects of EMF from cell phones on fetuses and young children. Then we watched two episodes of Lois and Clark. Chris went to bed, tired from getting up so early. I posted to my blog, did the Day 11 meditation from the “21 day meditation for weight loss challenge”, and went to bed.

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