Friday, August 19, 2016

Adventures with Jane

I woke up just after 7. Chris was gone. I did some mental programming and fell asleep. I woke up when my alarm went off. I got up and went in my sewing room to look through my needle collection until I found my twin needle. I put two kinds of green thread on my machine and proceeded to stitch diagonal rows through the bright green midsection of my dress. I finished sewing and then started tying off the ends. But I could not finish before Community Roundup. So I threw on shorts and a t-shirt and headed down there. Myra was already there, in the lobby. We sat with Kim for the program.
Jane called while the CO was speaking. I tried whispering but she could not hear me so I hung up. After the roundup, Myra asked me to embroider something for her. I walked with her to Security. We stopped to pick figs along the way. At Security, we picked up old patches from Scott. I called Jane and found that she wanted me to sign her onto post to use the ATM at 12:15. I followed Myra to her house. We looked at patterns and discussed what was to be embroidered. We got to talking about other stuff so I did not get home until just before noon. I watered the garden and then called Jane. She was still waiting for the bus to come here. I plugged in my phone and ate seed crackers with hummus. I started making breakfast when she called to say she was at the front gate. I grabbed my purse and headed down there. It was a really hot day. I signed her in and we went to the ATM. She got money and I signed her out. She called a special doctor to make appointments for us to be tested for food allergies. But his waiting list was 2 years long. Then she wanted to go to lunch. I thought we could have a quick lunch nearby, but we ended up walking out past the traditional market to find kimbap. I asked her to read business signs along the way. We stopped to investigate a new massage place, but it was smoky. After lunch, we walked across the main street. She noted another massage place, so we walked up to the second floor to investigate. No one was there. We waited a little bit and then a lady came in with a sack of something, probably food. She talked to us about some products she uses to do facials. A delivery man dropped off boxes of shampoo. I read the ingredients and was not impressed. She kept saying something about using a machine that melts fat from the midsection. Sessions were $70, unless the client signed up for 10 sessions at $60. Eventually we got out of there. We went back across the street to the bank to use the bathroom. Then we climbed up a flight of steps to check out a dance/exercise place, but it was closed. We walked around the corner to another exercise/dance place which happened to be on the third floor. It, too, was closed. But under it was a place called NugaBest. I had no idea what it was. Jane ushered me inside. Around the edges of the room, ladies were lying on special beds. In the center of the room were rows of chairs with wide belts in them. The front row also had foot pads. I was directed to the one front row seat left. The lady put wet wipes on the foot pads and I placed my feet there. Then she wrapped what looked like jump rope handles with wet wipes and put them under my arm pits. Then she turned on the machine. O. M. G. Electric shocks went through my feet and shins, as well as my hands. My fingers curled up into my palms, and my palms curled up into my wrists. It was scary how much they resembled my mother’s hands. We were exposed to advertising, but I could not tell what it was. When the video ended, everyone got up, whether they had been sitting or lying down. We left and I asked Jane what the business was. She said they were selling special beds that do something to points along the spine. They would encourage people to come in and try the technology for free. Then we walked into the market and talked to some shop owners. We found two places that make clothes, but only for women. They recommended Chris go to a tailor at Lotte Mart. I bought grapes and peaches from a cart vendor. We walked into Daiso to see if they had the hat Nela wanted, but it still had not been restocked. We walked down to the Chinese massage place. Jane walked in and asked them some questions. We went next door but decided not to go up. That place seemed to be more for skin care than massages. We went across the street because of the massage/spa type pics on the wall. We walked up the stairs and found it very dim inside. When Jane called out, a weak voice answered. Jane asked the voice if she was sick and she said yes, so we left. Then Jane went to catch a bus and I walked back to base. The gate guard asked me if I needed a ride. I must have looked pretty hot (and sweaty). I walked home. I put the grapes away and washed a peach. I drank the quart of water from this morning. I fired up my laptop and checked e-mail for the first time today. I drank a chocolate shake with coconut oil. I laid down for a bit, recovering from the heat. Chris came home. I checked more e-mail and jotted notes for my blog. I ate a spinach smoothie popsicle. I set up my embroidery machine and made a test stitch-out of the name Myra asked for. Then I called her to ask what color she wanted it. Yellow. So I stabilized the blue square she gave me, and embroidered the name on it. I took it and two popsicles over to her place. She was in her sewing room, working on a baby rag quilt. I handed her the square and the popsicles. We talked for a bit and then I went home. I read e-mail while listening to an audio until Chris was ready. Then we watched three episodes of Lois and Clark. I started working on my blog while Chris called ATnT to fight for his go-phone account. Apparently he has to call them every 90 days to keep the account active so he can use it when he is in the states.

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