Friday, August 12, 2016

Pest control and lots of sewing

Chris got up REALLY early to go running since he could not sleep. I thought he went to work. His phone alarm went off at 6. I shut it off. Soon he came home and laid on the floor, panting and sweating. I worked on the shorts I had cut out yesterday. I stopped to fill the water pitchers after his shower. I found a large centipede in my sewing closet. I called out and Chris came in and cut its head off with my fabric scissors. The parts were still moving, so he cut it again and took the parts outside. I finished sewing the shorts pieces together, and got out some elastic. I stopped to water the plants. I tied up some that were outgrowing their space. I encased a budding squash to find out what is happening to my budding squashes. I picked a tomato and three long green peppers. I clipped a foliage plant to root some new ones. I deleted the first round of e-mail. I did the kirtan kriya meditation and the weight loss meditation for today. I listened to an audio on ways to feel joy while eating seed crackers. He recommended gratitude. I lowered the front waistband and hemmed the shorts. I put dishes in dishwasher, and boiled some rosemary for tea. I made and ate breakfast. I found some AA batteries to try out the bug racquet. I waited for an ant to crawl on it, then pressed the button. I did not see anything but I smelled smoke and the ant did not move. I put sweet potatoes in the steamer. I trimmed the second QOV quilt, and cut binding strips from the trimmings. Sadly much of it was light damaged. I sewing the binding strips together and ironed the strip lengthwise and wound it on a cardboard tube; all while listening to an audio. She said happiness is a state of activity. Interesting thought. I watered the plants again. I sewed a button on the shirt Chris left on my ironing board. Chris came home from work with a package. I changed the shorts pattern to reflect the changes I made. Then I shortened and hemmed a pair of pants that Myra gave me for Chris. When I finished, my sweet potatoes were perfectly steamed. I ate one with butter while looking at Queen Amidala gowns to get ideas for the navy ball. Then we watched an episode of Castle. Chris went to bed early. I stayed up to blog.

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