Monday, August 15, 2016

Magnesium works

I heard Chris leave for PT. I got up when the alarm went off. I swallowed 5 frozen castor oil gelcaps and then drank a cup of water. I swished with coconut oil and then drank the remaining three cups of water with lemon. I exercised, and rebounded and drybrushed. I boiled water for coffee. Nela called to say they were leaving in half an hour to go to Masan. I said I needed more time, so go ahead without me. But I finished a little early. I got dressed and went outside, only then realizing that the plants weren’t watered yet. So I watered them. Then I called Nela, but she did not answer. Just then I got a Skype call from Kurt. Nela called back to say they were just then getting money from the ATM. So I said I’d catch up. But then I talked to Kurt and Faye and Dad for over an hour, at which time Chris came home for lunch and had a few things to tell me before he went back to work. I ate seed crackers and mayo. Nela called to say they just got on the bus. I put on my shoes and walked out in town to the bus stop. The next bus seemed a long way off according to the digital sign. I asked a young man if other buses went to Masan. He asked where and I told him ‘fish market’. He typed something into his phone for some time. The possible alternate buses came and went. He indicated bus 160 and bus 163. Then bus 163 came by so I thanked him and got on. It took about half an hour to get there and I did not recognize the stop until after the bus started moving again. So I got off at the next stop, which was around a corner and across a large intersection. I worried about finding my way back. I called Nela and agreed to call her back when I got to the market. I met her and Karon down one of the streets. We visited a fabric store where Karon bought some fabric for Myra to make a bag. It had the logo “Made in Korea” on it. Naturally, I found some fabric, too. I bought two pieces of cotton for dresses, and one of stretchy black lace for a shrug. Then we followed Nela to a hair and candy shop. We each bought a hair item, like a barrette or bobby pins. Then we went to Paris Baguette for lunch. Nela and Karon enjoyed it but I did not order anything. Right outside, a TV news crew was filming people singing and dancing in honor of National Liberation Day: the day that Korean was liberated from Japan. When we walked around the area, we were handed Korean flags. After lunch, we looked for the underground market to look at the consignment shops. But we could not find it. I suspect it was below one of the closed department stores. We asked, and were told it was closed for the holiday. We found our way, with a few stops, back to the main street. We walked through the fish market across the street to look for coconuts, but there were none. Then we found the bus stop. We had a long wait, but the bus that came was nice and cool. (Did I mention it was a hot day?) The salt water I brought with me kept me hydrated and comfortable, but my friends were complaining about the heat. It was after 5 when we got off the bus in Chinhae and walked back to base. Nela said we should go again next Monday when the stores are open. I walked home. I made and ate breakfast and read e-mail. I listened to an audio on light and sleep while finishing today’s puzzle. Chris came home from church (today was a day of holy obligation for Catholics). I looked through my patterns. I called Myra to find out how her day of rowing went. I held up the fabric I bought today to see how it looked on me, but I couldn’t tell without daylight. I finished the spinach from yesterday. I jotted notes for my blog while listening to another interview: While you are sleeping, you breathe out almost a liter of water, so you wake up dehydrated. Most people are magnesium deficient; which makes sense because when I take magnesium, either orally or transdermally, I sleep better and my scalp itches less. I checked e-mail one last time. I finished the audio. I got out Chris’ credit card because my credit card charge to Amazon was denied again. I don’t know what is up with that, but I cannot contact the bank to find out. I wrote to my blog and went to bed.

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