Sunday, August 28, 2016

The one that didn't get away

I got up after Chris left for church. I read e-mail. I showered and put on my new green dress. I ate some seed crackers and the chocolate shake. Chris came home and noted that it was raining. I put on my shoes and he drove me to church. I sat with Jane. She liked my dress. So did others during the passing of the peace. The organist asked me to make her the same dress but in a different color. The sermon was about dealing with stress and what Jesus did. After the service, Chris picked us up. He drove Jane and I to the Korean church and found a place to park. We went inside and sat in the foyer until their service was over. We were among the first to go into the fellowship hall for lunch. They were serving kimchi, rice and a soybean soup. On the table were plates of flavored rice cakes. The lunch was tasty. Then we all got in the car and Chris drove us to the five-day market. Normally I would not go in the rain, but Jane was going to go and since Chris was willing to drive, it wasn’t so bad. Well, it could have been worse. We slogged through the market until I found the place where I get old kimchi. Jane was kind enough to ask for it. Then on the way back, we bought peaches. I wanted figs too, but we did not see any. Then Jane pointed out a man selling Asian pears for a really good price. I did not think we could use that many, but it is easier to go along with whatever she says. We passed the plant place and I bought a flat of lettuce seedlings. Chris asked if I wanted something for the slugs to eat with their beer. Ha. Ha. Jane walked to the bus stop and we went to our car and drove home. Chris dropped me off with the food and went to work. I put the food away. I read e-mail. One article on agriculture said you have to learn to read the weeds: the kind of weeds growing in your garden tell you what the soil needs. I walked outside with the grocery list and Chris drove up to get me. We went to the commissary. It was freezing in there. Chris introduced me to someone whose name I no longer remember. But he came for the exercise and will be leaving soon. As Chris got in line to check out, John asked me when we are having yoga again and I said I would speak to Myra. Then Chris and I took our groceries home. We put them away. I made and ate breakfast. I read about 10 uses for white glue. One of them is to make Flubber. It uses a cup of glue and a tsp of borax (among other things). In the comments section, there was a discussion of the potential harm of the borax, esp if the kids put it in their mouths? What about the glue? I took a break from e-mail to tweak the green dress to improve the fit. I fixed a pocket on one of Chris’ shirts. I sewed the side seams on purple floral dress. Chris went jogging. While I was marking a new sewing line on the center seams, I got bit by a small centipede. I had thought they were too small to be a problem, but now I know better. I put some healing salve on it. I scooped it up with a piece of paper and lit it on fire. Chris came home and rested on the floor. I found another centipede running away from him, and I slapped it with a shoe. I added bust darts to the purple floral dress. I altered the shoulder seams to eliminate a gap at the arm hole. I took a tuck across the back to eliminate excess fabric there. We watched two episodes of Lois and Clark. Chris went to bed. I deleted some e-mail and wrote my blog post for today before going to bed.
* I gave him a Viking funeral *

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