Thursday, August 25, 2016

Going-away dinner

I got up before Chris left for work. I drank a quart of water. I watered all the plants, noting that some of the peas had sprouted already. I drank another quart of water because my lips were dry. I deleted the first round of e-mail. I responded to some. I listened to an audio. I did two meditations. I tapped for a lady here on post for quite some time. I hoped to hear that it did some good. I swept the floors and found another centipede that looked like a bit of thread with feet. I wrapped it in a tissue and took it out back to light on fire. The tissue did not burn well. So I put some coconut oil on it and then it burned well enough. There was no yoga today so I did my exercises and made breakfast early. As I was eating it, Chris came home for lunch. There was no mail. I had cleared out all the e-mail and was ready to listen to an audio, but did not want to inconvenience Chris. So I sat on the bed to tap, waiting for him to leave. He came back there and… was late getting back to work. I took a cold shower. I got dressed and put Epsom salts in two containers. I walked to The Foot Shop for my weekly massage. I got massage #3 today, which is full back of body massage. The lady took it easy on me today. After I paid, I walked around the corner to the Chinese place. There was a lady in there getting a foot massage. The massager called for someone to help me, but apparently there was no one available. So I headed back toward base. I called Myra to see what the plan was for taking Karon out to supper. I decided to take a small detour and go to the quilt shop. We don’t go there because it is expensive and not much selection. But I wanted to ask about quilt groups in the area. My phone app was not up to the job. So finally I called Jane. I explained what I wanted and handed the phone to the lady in charge. They talked for a while. When I got my phone back, Jane explained that the lady shows groups of ladies how to sew every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 to 12. There was no charge but one must buy the fabric from the store. The store was full of small purses, mostly shades of grey which looked like wool. Nothing I would want to make. But she gave me her card and I said I would tell my friends. Then I walked back to base. Chris was not home yet. I checked e-mail again while listening to the audio which was almost 2 hours long. I ate some supper and flattened some boxes for recycling. Chris came home not long before it ended. He made himself supper. Myra called to say she was going over to Nela’s with some hot peppers. So I put on my shoes and walked out. I noted that the seedlings needed a second watering so I gave it to them. Then I went down the hill. I met her and we walked over. Nela accepted the peppers and the three of us walked back to the quad. Karon was there, having walked back from a foot massage. We all walked out the front gate to a new chicken restaurant. Myra ordered two baskets of chicken for our table, and two glasses of Sprite and two glasses of water. We sat and talked for hours. It must have been about 10 when we paid and left. We walked back to base and stood by the quad. We were all covered in sweat. Myra left first to go to the bathroom. Then Nela asked us to walk her home. So we did, and then returned to the quad. Karon and I talked until almost 11 and then we each went home. When I got back, the indoor temp seemed to be freezing, but it was 80. Chris was in bed. I drank several cups of water with magnesium. Then I sat down to write my blog. I transferred some pics from my phone to the camera. I posted and went to bed.
* Karon is leaving for the states tomorrow. *

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