Monday, August 22, 2016

Deer cafeteria

I heard my alarm go off. Chris got up to take a shower. I felt a small cramp in my stomach but it went away quickly. I watered the plants. I noted that half of the begonias were gone, without a trace. Eaten? Probably by the same critter that ate the pepper leaves behind the begonias. I must be running a cafeteria for deer. Menu includes hosta, tomato leaves, cucumber leaves, pepper leaves, sweet potato leaves, strawberry leaves, lettuce and now, begonias.
I did two meditations: the one from the 21 day weight loss challenge and the kirtan kriya. Nela called to see if I wanted to go to Changwon to walk around. I still wasn’t eating so I was not feeling energetic. I did my exercises and rebounded. I boiled water for coffee. I tapped and rested, listening to interviews from The Man Panel. Chris came home for lunch with four boxes: two from Amazon and two from Swansons. I opened each one and put the items away. The new set of spatulas went in the dishwasher. I put the unsweetened cranberries in the cupboard. I put some of them in a jar with water because they were so dehydrated. I hemmed the sleeves of the green dress. I had to cover the stitch line with paper so it wouldn’t skip stitches. After Chris left for work, I looked up something online. I folded his socks. I took a cold shower. After the initial blast, it wasn’t that cold. I think it heats up in the water tank on top of the hill. I finished hemming the green dress. I wanted to sweat out whatever was ailing me, so I went outside. I fertilized the plants. I dug up a pail of dirt from the ditch up the hill. The dirt was full of worms. But it was dry up there and they had nowhere to go. When I got back to the patio, I sifted out most of the dirt and spread the worms over the flower bed. I considered it my worm relocation project. The flowerbed was a better place because it was watered regularly. I watered the remaining dirt in the ditch to help the worms left behind. I planted the sweet potato sprouts in small pots and put them up high. I planted all the pea seeds that Linda gave me. I dug up the zinnia seedlings and replanted them in small pots until ready for the big world. I hoped the deer would not find them tasty. I blended up the food waste and poured it on the flowerbed. I got an e-mail from the chaplain saying that a month from now Bible study would move to Wednesday night and they would be using both classrooms so I should choose another night for sewing class. That did not sit well with me. I called Myra, but she did not answer. I cleaned up the pots and trowel and such from the back porch. I ate a tomato and drank the chocolate shake powder with coconut water, coconut oil and coconut milk. I called Myra again. Chris came home just before she picked up. She said we should move both classes from the chapel to the Housing building. Chris heard the call and he said I should talk to the chaplain to see if they could work something out. I showed Chris the green dress and asked if I should wear it tomorrow to meet the new admiral's wife. While Chris ate supper, I melted beeswax – it took forever because I did not have a proper double boiler. While waiting for it to melt, I made mayonnaise. I mashed the soft pieces into my cupcake mold so it would be in quarter cup pieces. Chris ordered us new laptops from Amazon – or tried to. They would not ship to this address. So he ordered them from another company, but then the credit card company denied the charge. So he had to call them to straighten that out. I made chocolate, but it seized again, even though I did not put in anything I haven’t used successfully before. I had to press it into the mold by hand, adding a nut to each one. Then we sat down to watch an episode of Lois and Clark. I went to the desktop to check e-mail one last time. There was a reply from the chaplain and I replied to it, but the computer was so slow that I had to type one letter at a time, waiting for it to appear on the screen. I could not type ahead because it would not remember what I typed. So I fired up my laptop to write to my blog.
* This is none of your beeswax. *

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