Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Cleaning up

I got up before 7:30 and went outside to sit in the sun, drinking my quart of water. Then I watered the all the plants. I put the geranium in a bigger pot. I read e-mail while I ate seed crackers with mayo. Afterward, I drank my shake. I did today’s puzzle. I posted a reminder to Facebook for sewing tomorrow. I got dressed and worked on basting a sleeve into my new top. Then I went to yoga, taking my mat and my market bag. There was a man in class today. Joelle mentioned that she is pcs-ing next month. With no one to take her place, we will surely miss here. After class, I walked to the post office. They gave me three packages. Two of them went into my market bag. I walked home. I made and ate breakfast. Myra called to say why she missed yoga. I talked about getting a watermelon in town and she said the cantaloupes at the commissary were really good. So after breakfast I walked to her house. She came out with Karon. I enjoyed seeing her again. Myra and I walked to the commissary. But the price she had quoted me for the cantaloupe was per pound, not per melon. She weighed one melon and it was three pounds. Neither of us felt like paying $7 for one. While she shopped for other things, I went to the NX for a birthday card. When I came back, she was just checking out. Anna came in with Terry. He was energetic and running around, in and out of the store, climbing over the carts, etc. We walked back with Karon. We talked about the presidential race and I wondered if the hype between Hilary and Trump was some kind of distraction to allow Obama to gain a third term. I ate lunch when I got home, and read e-mail. I mowed the lawn and collated the recyclables. I trimmed with grass clippers. I got hooked on reading questions and answers on Quora. I made a salad for supper. I watched an episode of House. I dustmopped all the wood floors. In the pile of dirt collected was a small centipede. I made sure he did not survive. I ate some coconut pieces. I listened to several interviews from the sleep and fat loss summits. I laid down during the last one, then roused myself to post to my blog and go to bed.
* This is the lady making me a roll of kimbap, from the market yesterday. *

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