Thursday, May 9, 2019

A missed milestone

I got up soon after my alarm went off. I had to stop and think about everything I needed and how to accomplish it in the fewest number of steps. Soon I was dressed and ready to brush and swish. I don't remember doing anything out of the ordinary. It was a cloudy day.
I turned on the router and finished watching the Money Revealed QnA. Very negative on IRA's, or any tex-deferred vehicle. Charitable trusts were mentioned as a better alternative. Then I put on the next episode of Interconnected. Again, they were talking about the microbiome and specifically leaky gut.
I paused it to go to the chiropractor. When I parked, I noticed that my odometer had passed 10K forty miles ago. I was early so I read my book. I was called into the laser room where a different assistant lasered my foot. She moved it well outside the usual parameters. I thought it was a waste. Then I went for decompression. This time it made my right leg hurt a little. But that was over by the time I hit the restroom and then waited for the doctor. When he came in, I asked him about the dried natto and he said he hadn't eaten it yet. He said he was avoiding calcium while getting chelated for plaque in the arteries. He adjusted my neck and spine. Since this was my last visit of the week, I had to pay at the front desk. Then I left.
I went to the post office and limped into the box area. I checked our mail and threw out the ads. I brought the rest home. I put it in a pile for Chris. I ate my handful of soaked nuts, then made and ate breakfast. I finished the episode. I downloaded pics from my phone that Myra sent. The giant voice system announced a tornado warning and advised seeking cover immediately. I texted Chris and said goodbye. I took pics of my posture and downloaded them to the laptop, where I was able to mark them with the date. My intention is to take pics each week after the final adjustment.
I read and deleted e-mail. Pat called to say she was going to the PX and would stop by. I dealt with the rest of the supplements in the Swanson's box. Then she arrived. I listened to her talk for hours. And then she had to go. I had a bite for lunch. I looked at packages of sesame seeds online. I also compared packages of colostrum, which is supposed to be good for leaky gut.
I laid down for a nap. I am not certain if I fell asleep or not. When I got up, it was almost 7. I made a salad and finished it at my laptop. In a few minutes my tapping buddy was on. We did not get far before my laptop froze and I had to reboot it. But then we spent almost 2 hours tapping and chatting.
Afterward, I took supplements and watched three episodes of Frazier. Then I posted to my blog and got ready for bed.
* My car's odometer *

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