Monday, May 20, 2019

Permission to exercise

I got up about 8, washed up and got dressed. I took supplements on schedule. I treated myself for wheat allergies. I rinsed sprouts and boiled water to soak nuts, wondering how I was going to do that on vacation. I washed dishes and cleaned countertops in the kitchen.
Then I went to see the chiropractor. The lady at the desk handed me the sheet of lower back exercises that I forgot on Thursday. Then I was surprised that I was ushered into the decompression room soon after I sat in the waiting room. After 12 minutes of having my spine pulled, I was released and sent to exam room 3. I started reading my book. But the doctor came in. I asked about going on long car trips and he said it was ok. He said my back was stable but I had to wear the stiff heavy shoes and sit upright. Uggh! He gave me a sheet of foot exercises and told me to take them slow. He adjusted my neck, saying that he had the same problem and that he was using the technique that he developed for himself. I asked if there was anything I could do at home to assist the process and he said no. He also adjusted my back by pushing on the thoracic part. He also commented that this was the biggest difference he had ever made in someone's alignment.
When I got home, I made and ate breakfast and took breakfast supplements. I took my banner and fish and went to quilting. I showed off the shark, the finished handsewing the hanging sleeve on the banner. I had a good time talking to the ladies there. I stayed longer than I intended, then went home.
I put on a bathing suit and laid out in the back yard to make some vitamin D. When I came in, I ate some chicken and took the lunch supplements. Then I read e-mail for awhile.
Chris came home with check from Crestwood Medical Center. I was about to call them to find out why, when William called. He wanted to talk about sewing machines. Afterward, I called the hospital, but they were closed. I went back to reading e-mail.
At 6 I tried to take a nap, but I kept thinking about how to take the supplement regimen on vacation. I got up and watered the plants. I also uprooted the poison hemlock. It was too large and unruly. Then I returned to e-mail. I was inspired to use the HeartMath machine. But it was too easy to make and keep the light green.
I made and ate salad and took supper supplements. I looked up why discs don't regenerate and watched related videos. When Chris was ready, we watched four episodes of The Good Place. It was hot and I sweated like I was in the bad place. I had taken off my shoes and it was just too hot to put them back on.
I took my evening supplements and posted to my blog while sitting against my chillow. Chris made his sandwich and went to bed. I followed.
* Alice made this and is going to have it quilted. *

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