Saturday, May 18, 2019

Slow day

I was dozing in bed when I heard my alarm ringing faintly from the diningroom. Chris got up first. When he was done in the bathroom, I got up. I brushed my hair and teeth. I swished with coconut and clove oil. I took supplements. I put on an episode of The Quilt Show, while I prepared broth and tea and colostrum.
I treated myself for any allergies to thyroid tissue using a bottle of desiccated thyroid capsules. It was after 11 when I stopped to make breakfast. I kept checking e-mail as I read.
I sat outside in the sun for a bit, taking off my shoes and getting some fresh air. On a puzzle site, I pieced flower puzzles while listening to audios and stuff. I finished the binding of the banner and started on the hanging sleeve. Then I paused that to work on the shark. I sewed buttons on for eyes. I also cut a circle of red for inside the mouth and tried to sew it in place. If not for the lining, it would have been much easier.
Chris put the battery in the mower and mowed the lawn. He was surprised how quickly the battery ran down. But as it turns out, the charger wasn't plugged in. Still, I was amazed he got through the entire lawn.
At 6,I laid down for a nap. Surprisingly I woke up in half an hour, feeling like I'd slept for hours. I rolled outside to water my flowers. I picked a leaf from a tall weed and brought it inside to try to identify it. The closest thing I could find on the internet was poison hemlock.
It was almost 8. I made salad and ate it so I could take my supper supplements. Chris cued up Netflix on the TV. We watched a lot of episodes of The Good Place, which turned out to be … well, I won't spoil it for you. But when I checked the time, it was 11:20. Chris pulled clean sheets out of the dryer and we dressed the bed. Then I took my evening supplements and quickly posted to my blog.
* This was the featured quilt on TQS *

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